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"Hey Laylani, Hey Ray. How y'all been?" Kalon asks us.

Lani answers for us when she realizes I'm not speaking. "We've been okay."

I nod, agreeing with her. Kalon looks at me and smiles. Just like last time.

Though I don't want to, I return the small gesture.

He turns around and walks back into the house. Me and Laylani go over to one of our friends and speak. Mainly Lani. She's more social than I am, way more social.

"Well hey, Rayven. You can't speak now?" Aaliyah nudges my shoulder.

I shake my head and laugh, lightly, "I'm sorry, hey girl."

For a moment all of three of us catch up with eachother since it's been a while. Then, we all walk back into the house.

The smell of weed hits my nose. I've smoked once before, but after I never tried again. The first time was kinda unforgettable, I remember I was with my older sister and she had some weed. I asked to try, not knowing how to inhale and I accidentally swallowed the smoke.

Let's just say after that I was too scared to try it again.

"Ray, you straight?" The voice of Lani brings me back to reality. I nod, and take a seat beside her at the island in the kitchen.

It wasn't a lot of people like I thought and Kalon nor Amalia were in sight, just how I wanted it.

Tatum came from the kitchen pantry with snacks and board games, his face lit up when he saw us. "Wassup!"

"Heyy, Tate!" Me, Aaliyah and Lani said in unison.

"I got some stuff for y'all to do, and eat of course."

He showed us all the things he brought with him and placed them on the counter infront of us. "Just call me over if you need anything, aight'?"

"Okay," Aaliyah said for us.

I wasn't really hungry at the moment, so I guess I'll just chill.

"Rayven, you not eating?" Aaliyah asked me, her and Lani looked over at me concerned.

About year ago, I had a very severe eating disorder. Things were just starting to get better for me, I used to skip meals for days until Kalon picked up on it and then eventually everyone found out.

I've been so much better now, but lately it's been hard. With everything I have going on in my family and my deadbeat father being back in the city. I wasn't extremely focused on myself like I should be.

But I'll be fine, I always am. "No not right now, I'm just not hungry y'all. I swear." I told them, hoping to reassure them so they won't push it any further.

"Okay but Rayven, I'm here if you need to talk. You know this," Lani said to me, looking me directly in the eyes.

I smile slightly at her. Hoping she buys that everything is okay with me. I know how Lani is, she won't let it go until you tell her what's wrong. I appreciate her for it but sometimes, I just don't want to say.

The night continues on smoothly, and three of us eat and play the board games Tatum left for us. I love times like this. Where my mind is focused on something other than what I have going on personally, it keeps me from thinking too much and making my own self sad.

I stand up from my seat to go to the bathroom, I let Lani and Aaliyah before I go. Walking down the hall, I hear a familiar deep voice causing me to stop abruptly and turn around to face whoever it was.


"Hey, love. You missed me?" Jeremiah asked, a sly smirk on his face. Jeremiah is my ex, my first love, whatever people call it.

He was my everything at one point, now he's nothing. I never thought he was coming back to NC, but from the looks of it that's nothing but the complete opposite.

"Can I help you?" I mug him. I'm tired of everyone hurting me and thinking shit is sweet after.

Jeremiah frowns, but from the look in his eyes I know my reaction was amusing to him. "Sorry, shawty just wanted to say hey."

He shrugs his shoulders, laughing. I do nothing but stare at him. Then, he walks away.

I let out a deep breath, one I didn't know I was holding. Me and Jeremiah were cool at one point, even after the break up. But after he did that grimy shit, I had nothing left but hatred towards him. That's the way it'll always be.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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