Closing Time

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"Are we any closer to knowing what caused this latest 'punk war,' for lack of a better term?" Councillor Morgaana asked the High Council.

They'd convened in secret to discuss the surprise warfare on the nearby planet of Darwindu. Life-forms from every pocket of the M'Verse were being taken from their own worlds and dropped into a hostile planet.

Morgaana said, "This is now the third unexplainable event."

"And the worst," Councillor Dave from Earth added gravely. "We're seeing more portals than ever before."

"The Andorphans refuse to get involved!" shouted Councillor Orwok of Andorpha.

"Yes, yes, yes, we know," said High Councillor Pernus, the eldest of the High Council. Having served many terms with Councillor Orwok, he was quite familiar with the man's refusal to be involved in any skirmish, conflict, kerfuffle, or minor disagreement. "The rest of us, however, must find a way to put a stop to this crisis. Lest any of our worlds be next."

They were all aware of what had happened to the previous two worlds affected by whatever this was.

Isiltroff was a smoking wasteland of hollowed-out cities still inhabited by whichever invading forces had survived the war to end all wars.

K'Qun... well, they didn't talk about K'Qun. Not anymore.

Councillor Morgaana tied back her tentacles to keep them out of her face while she spoke. "High Councillor Pernus, at what point do we consider Order 74? We've done all we can when it comes to conversing and debating. We tried sending troops. Even the Galgonian war machines weren't enough to quell the fighting on Isiltroff when it first broke out."

With his twenty-four long and slender fingers arched in front of him, High Councillor Pernus frowned. Quickly shaking his head, he said, "The dark science is the absolute last resort. We all remember the terrible fall of High Councillor Heyzoo."

Everyone on the High Council except Pernus looked to the symbol on the otherwise-blank wall behind him. They all knew what the symbol looked like. But sometimes they needed a reminder.

On the wall was a representation of a woman, her appendages divided, a hole where her heart should be.

"The absolute last resort..."


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Tevun-Krus #110 - Punk Wars 3Where stories live. Discover now