🌱 Chapter 2 - Upon a Dream 🐚

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Melanie's POV
Song now playing - Once upon a dream -Lana Del Rey

I wake up and I feel something on my lips as if I'm kissing someone so I slightly open my eyes to see a girl with turquoise skin and big eyes with long lashes and she looks just as shocked as I am.

«Who are you?»

I asked her and she looked at me with a puzzled expression.

«I don't know who you are either I don't know how I got here I could've sworn I was on my mat trying to sleep.»

She said.

«Not to judge but why do you look different then me?»

She said with a curious expression and I'm not gonna lie she's cuter then any girl I've seen.

«I come from the forest and I was doing the same thing as you!»

I said and she looks even more puzzled.

«This is super weird!»

She says and I nod in agreement.

She suddenly grabs my arms softly and gently and my heart skips a beat.

«Are you gonna hurt me?»

She asked with a scared expression and my heart skips a beat and I look down at her with a soft expression.

«No... no! I would never hurt someone for no reason.»

I say and place my hands on her shoulders softly and look down to her eyes.

«Oh Okay...»

She says while looking up with a soft smile and a when she does my heart suddenly feels whole not like when I run around freely in the forest but it feels more whole like she means something more then anything and anyone to me.

«We might as well talk and wait for whatever's going to happen next!»

She says and I smile.

«Yeah we should!»

I say with a widen smile and we sit down.

«So... what do you guys do in the forest?»

The girl asks.

«We go hunting, I also run around in the forest with my brothers and sisters, we go swimming in lake, and I have a pet Atokirina!»

I say and she looks at me and smiles.


She says with a smile and I smile in further

«What do you do in the sand?»

I ask.



Tsireya's POV

«So what do you do in the sand?»

The girl asks me and I laugh and she looks at me confused.

«Our houses are built on the sand but I'm always in the water.»

And she's widens her eyes and I smile at her slightly.

«I'm so sorry!»

She says and I laugh.

«It's fine you don't live around here but I'll tell you what we do. I'm always in the ocean exploring for new shells or pearls or anything nice, I'm always hanging out with my little sister, and always scolding her and my older brother as well mostly because they bicker a lot.»

I tell her and she looks at me with a smile.

«I understand siblings suck a lot I have four siblings so I know what it's like.»

The girl says and I smile back at her.

I felt a sudden urge to kiss the girl in front of me it's just something about her that drew me in like I could submit every single part of my body to her.

So I lean and kiss her and she kisses back a second later and we stay like that just kissing but before we could pull away I feel my eyes open much to my anger.

Melanie's POV


I was about to pull away from the girl and smile at her but I was woken up by my dad shaking me to wake up much to my disappointment.

«Pack up Melanie we're leaving.»

My dad says and my heart shatters.

Dream  (Tsireya X fem! Oc)Where stories live. Discover now