Mixing Mexican Spanish with Arabic

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This language is supposed to be a mix of Mexican Spanish with Moroccan Arabic.

MS Consonants: p, b~β, t, d~ð, k, g~ɣ, m, n, ɲ, r, ɾ, f, s, ʝ, x, j, l, w, tʃ

Consonants courtesy if indigenous loanwords: ts, tɬ

It might be like the dental and velar fricatives of Dothraki finding their way in High Valyrian.

Vowels: i, u, e, o, a

Syllable pattern: (C(C))(S)V(S)(C(C))

Stress: lexical

There are 25-30 dialects of Arabic, which can be classed among about five categories. The overall structure of the language is CV(C)(C) with diphthongs. The stress of a word would be said to fall on the antepenult unless the penult is closed, though there are findings that stress would vary depending on syllable weight.

Moroccan Consonants: m, mˤ, n, b, bˤ, t, tˤ, d, dˤ, k, g, q, ʔ, f, s, sˤ, z, zˤ, ʃ, ʒ, χ, ʁ, ħ, ʕ, h, ɾ, ɾˤ, r, rˤ, l, lˤ, j, w

Moroccan Vowels: u, ə, aː, iː, uː

Consonants: m, n, b~bβ, t, tˤ, d~dð, dˤ~dðˤ, k, g~gɣ, f, θ, ð, ðˤ, s, sˤ, ç, ʝ, x, ɣ, ħ, ʕ, r, ɾ, l, j, w

Vowels: i, u, e~ɛ, o~ɔ, a

Syllable structure: 


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