An Expansion of a Demo Abjad

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Something with a low enough vowel inventory to use an abjad like the one that Sarky Canadian demonstrated. (A mix of Sindarin and Arabic.)

Consonants: m, n, ŋ, p, b, t, tˁ, d, k, g, q, ʔ, f, θ, ð, s, sˁ, ɬ, x, ħ, ʕ, h, r, l, j, w

Vowels: a, aː, i, iː, u, uː

Syllable pattern:


Writing system: an abjad(with the glyphs for [ʔ], [j], and [w] as the matres lectionis)

Writing system: an abjad(with the glyphs for [ʔ], [j], and [w] as the matres lectionis)

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Writing direction: boustrophedon

Number system:

Sets of number words:

Word order:

Grammatical gender:

Grammatical number:




Noun cases:

Noun classes:

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