2 short poems

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i have lots of friends
3 groups i roam,
and yet i still feel like i am alone.

i'm just forced to pretend
none of them notice when i'm there

like i said,
i roam.

to and from

nowhere is where i belong.

they all leave me forgetting i'm there
not like it's their fault.

i'm merely a spare.



i still like you.
i know it's not right

you're with her now
but my feelings stick around.

i cant shake this feeling
no matter how much i try

i want to be happy for you
but i hate standing by.

i miss you,
miss thinking i had a chance
it will never be the same
but i'll always cherish your glance

i hope you always remember
i still like you
even though i have no chance.


jesus fuxk i'm so glad i got over that ^^

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