First test(R.E)

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Suddenly the bridge comes to life monitors and lights flash to life throughout the ship the lights burst to life illuminating the hallways. meanwhile on the outside the 3 massive Boglin fields' engines rumble to life shaking the island, and causing waves to pick up before blasting to life with a flash of blueish purple. all along the hull bright blue lights slowly lit up one by one almost like the ship was charging up.

Outside Pov

Ten: Oh. my. god.

Hor: Holy shit.


Bal: Sweet Mary Mother of Christ.

Sanders: *Aggressive happy chirping*

Bridge Pov

Within the bridge, it shakes and rumbles as the main systems come to life before finally settling down as the systems have finished their start-up.

Ves: oh sweet Jesus I thought the world was going to end.

Mons: *chuckles* that's just me turning the ship on while damaged no less. you should see this thing when it's at full power, or better yet when in battle, Dot I want a full report of all major systems.

Dot: Engines are at 65% power with the uppermost engine crippled, fusion reactors are operating at 70% capacity to prevent overload, MAC cannons 2 and 3 are out of commission MAC cannon 1 can operate at an estimated 60% power, primary armament, and secondary armaments are estimated to be at 50% power with several guns melted or barrels bent but tests must be conducted to receive full comprehension, the vehicle bay was damaged by the crash estimation 0 vehicles can be operated, and the hull is covered in holes with several portions melted.

Mons: Better than expected to be honest.

Ves: I am shocked you are even awake. I knew it was terrible from the outside, but somehow hearing it was even worse.

Mons: Would it shock you that I've been through worse?

Ves: surprisingly no.

Not too far outside the range of the ship girls guarding Mons' ship. A massive fleet of sirens is alerted by Mons' uh... start-up and rushes to the massive warship, and begins engaging the small task force outside the ship.

Hor: Uh Tennessee we've got a problem. My scout craft just spotted a massive fleet of sirens en route.

Ten: Girls prepare for a battle we've got to protect Mons and Vestal while they're inside.

Soon a battle rages on outside, but while this is happening Mons is still trying to get his ship off the ground.

Mons: Increase vertical thrusters to 80%.

Dot: Warning enemy fleet detected the task force has begun to engage.

Ves: What?!

Mons: *while walking to the fire control station* Fleet complement.

Dot: 10 battleships, 4 carriers, 15 cruisers, and 25 destroyers.


Mons: No they are not Dot, activate the main cannons.

Dot: Due to damage only a total of 8 cannons on turrets 1, 3, and turret 5 only having barrels 1 and 3 operational turrets 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8 are out of commission. With the active cannons only being able to operate at roughly 76% power.

Mons: it will have to do.

Ves: What about everyone outside?!

Mons: Do not worry child I will not allow my children to be harmed while I still breathe. Dot radio them and tell them to get a good distance away I don't want them getting hurt.

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