ch 15||THE TRUTH

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They take note of their surroundings and turn quiet. No one comes in sight, as they stride further.

The desolate streets rest in silence.

It is a cool and dark night, and the clouds have been hovering in the sky for the entire evening, in anticipation .for the rush of release.
The downpour starts slowly first with faint pitter patter.

Evelyn observes some drops splatter on her dress and settle down wetting the fabric.

"Behold this beauty." She laughs, as she arches her arm forward, closing her eyes.
Her laugh echoes in the space between them. As she draws a fresh breath, and just relaxes.

Seeing her like this, Theo tenses in his spot, mesmerized.

Soon the tiny pitter patters cease, eluded by the murmurs of huge drops, as they fall from above, catching up the pace.

Like a prayer answered.

Puddles begin plinking as the rainfall became heavier.

And even though Theo likes this cheerful, nonchalant side of hers, way too much, and wouldn't want her to snap out of it.

They can't stand out in the open any longer.

"You will fall sick," he says. "We need to find a shelter."

Extending his hand , he reaches out for hers, and perceiving his concern, Evelyn let's him hold it.

They run towards the nearest shade, hands joined together, their breathing heavy and their faces twisted in radiant smiles.

They find a spot and reluctantly let go of each other's grip.

He ducks under the bend, surveying the place.
She trails behind him watching her steps.

Their strides come to a halt when they find a space, clear and quiet, tucked in a corner.

Theo lays his hand on his chest, still gasping for air. His features restless from the rush earlier.

Lightning flashes in the sky like fireworks. The drumrolls of thunder though still in anticipation of it's arrival.

Evelyn leans on the opposite wall, her back flat on it.
She heaves a breath, pinching the bridge of her nose, still laughing.

The sound of her laugh.
It rings in his ears like a tune, one, he would want to hum himself.

And listen for so much longer.

Tempted by her effervescence, and a victim to his own lust.
Theo walks over to where she is in three strides, closing the distance between them.

Eveyln's heartbeat quickens at the physical proximity. Forcing her laugh to a halt.

Instead, her face contorts in simultaneous confusion and realization.
Trying to make sense of what he wants.

Theo holds her gaze, trapping her between his arms. Leaning in closer.

The pale moonlight hangs high in the sky.
Bringing all her features in highlight. Each one of them look stunning to him.
Rendering him speechless.

He brushes a damp strand from her face, his finger lingering there to trace her cheekbones.

Her lips part as she shivers a little from the contact with his icy cold skin.
He traces the lining of her jaw.
His gaze falling on her mouth.

And he's close, so close.

But she pulls away from there.
Walking away.

Her heart stutters in her chest. It took her a lot of restraint to walk away when she wanted nothing more but to lean closer in him.
To let him do everything he intended to, to let him touch every inch of her skin.... but.

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