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I wake up at the faint sound of a knock.

I get up from the bed, walking the steps, and open the door.

Olive stands there, outside.
Before I can ask her, why she's here so early.

She takes my arm in hers, and leads me.

"Where are we going Olive?" I ask her.
"What happened?"

I am deep in my slumber. My eyes still groggy.
But I am sure I didn't hear her reply back.

Sleep came to me really late, last night.
Because my mind kept drifting back to him.

Olive stops outside the balcony, and let's go of my hand.
I grip my tshirt tighter, recoiling a little from the breeze.

I notice. It's a figure standing there. Mom.
And then she turns to face us.

My eyes are wide open now.
Any hint of sleepiness gone.

Olive walks over beside her.
And I follow behind.

The three of us just stare at each other blatantly.

"It's my wedding day." she announces, breaking the silence.

Her entire face lights up, as she says, and it doesn't dim for a second.

My eyes well ,as the realization hits me.
It indeed is. Today is Olive's wedding.
My baby sister is getting married.

"I want to tell you guys," she says, her mouth curling in a beautiful smile.
"That you both are the most important people to me."

My chest warms at her words.
An ache catching up sooner though.
I wish dad was here, with us.

"I love you Mom,"Olive kisses Mom on the forehead.

"And I love you Evie," she spreads her arms, around me and sweeps me in a fierce hug. As if I would dissapear, if she doesnt.And like she wouldn't let me go.

I hold her back. Breathing in this moment. Because, it will not come again.
And there's nothing like this.

Olive breaks the hug, still resting her arm on my shoulder.

"I want you both at my side today, to give me your blessings for this new chapter of my life," she says.

Then she looks at me. Like she's asking something from me.

"And I want you to do it together, " she whispers.

"For me, can you please resolve everything today. And forget what went wrong," she requests her voice hopeful.

"Can we Evelyn?," Mom asks, looking at me.

"We can, Mom, " I say.  "We will."

I slip my palm on her wrist. Holding my grip over it.
She turns still for a second at the physical gesture. And so do I.
I don't know why I did it.

But I just stare at her.
She looks almost vulnerable at my gesture.

No matter how beautiful she is,
I realize that my mom is not getting any younger.

And for that instant, only for that instant,  I want to hug her.

But I resist.

Olive slips away without any of us noticing.
I remove my hand quickly. Nodding at Mom.
And then turn to leave.

"I hope everything is fine between Mr Gray and you, " she blurts out.

I stand motionless at my place, facing her.

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