ch 23 || GONE

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Olive walks down the aisle with Uncle Joe. And she is the prettiest bride I have ever seen.
Mom moves along with him.

I walk behind her, Jesse and Riley on my side, and each of us holding a bouquet.

I wish dad was the one, escorting her down the aisle. He would be so proud of the amazing person she's grown to become. And so happy seeing her find love in Sean.

"Where's Theo?" Jesse asks looking around.
I tilt my head, my eyes searching for him in the crowd.
He's not there. The place he was standing earlier.
Where has he gone?

Uncle Joe places Olive' s hand in Sean's.

Sean takes her hand, looking awestruck at her, my sister, his future wife. I feel a swell of elation for them as I wish them the bestest things in the world.

They both walk, standing in front of the priest.

My gaze falls on Jeremy, who stands beside Sean.
He gives me a nod.
And I return back a smile at him.

an hour ago

"Jeremy, " I say.

We left the church, because Jeremy said he wanted to talk.

Even though I knew what was coming along, I went with him.

"What did you decide?
Can I expect an answer?," he asks.

His voice is hopeful, and... desperate. He wants me to give him a response . And I know he wants to hear a yes.

How do I tell him though?
I don't know how to say it.
But I need to. He deserves to hear the truth.

"I am glad we resolved things.
I really am," I say, my voice calm.

"But," I pause looking elsewhere, not sure how to continue.

"Just say it," he insists, there's a hint of bitterness in his voice, as if he knows it, what's going to be my answer.

"Whatever it is. Just say, Evie."

"All I think, all I want. is him. Theo," I blurt out, not meeting his gaze, but it's not guiltily.

"There's still a lot between us. Theo and me. That is unresolved, unsettled," I offer.

I suck in a breath.

I want to be honest with him.
And I will.

"But I can't do this to you. I can't give you the hopes, I don't feel."

Jeremy gulps down. And I notice, that his face falls. Al the eagerness wipes out replaced with something grim.

"I want you to be happy. You are my first love.And you will always be special to me," I assure him.

I don't want to leave anything unsaid between us. We need to do this. This closure.
So that we can move on with our lives.

"But it's him, you want, " he repeats through clenched teeth.

"Yes, " I breathe.

We just stand there, I dont know for how long. But he looks taken aback. Serious. Hurt.
And I don't want to leave him like that.

"It's alright. Evelyn, " he assures me. But I know he isn't.

"Only if I hadn't let you leave, " he says his voice distant.

"I lost you when I let you go."

"You were never mine.
Atleast not since he's been here."

I kiss him on the cheek. He doesn't moves. He stays rooted to his spot.
And then.I hug him.

Hopes And Hearts [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now