23: Sneaking

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Lizzie hated being grounded. It's not like she missed going out. Socialising. She only missed Y/N and for the next couple of days after Y/N was released from the hospital, Kathryn made sure that she remained at home to make sure she was 100% before returning to school. She had also expelled the three responsible for the fight. Yes, the school lost two of their football starters but Kathryn had a non violence ruling within the school.

Y/N and Lizzie only shared their lunches and breaks together at school. Lizzie needing to be at the gates for one of the twins to pick her up to either take her home or to the cafe on the days Y/N was off.

So as a week passed with barely any contact. Y/N told Kathryn she was staying over at Scarlett's. Already hashing out the plan with her. Waiting until after the time Jarnette would be home and parking two streets away. Making her way to the Olsen Residence.

She snuck around to the side of the house. Using the pipe to help with climbing onto Lizzie's window ledge. Tapping lightly as to not disturb the others as they rested.

Lizzie's head perked up as she noticed her girlfriend kneeling on the ledge. Waiting patiently for Lizzie to open the window with a smile.

"What are you doing here?" Lizzie whispered as Y/N closed the window behind her. Lizzie walking over to lock her door.

"I missed you." Y/N told her as Lizzie hugged her close. "Just those little hours at school isn't enough."

Lizzie pulled away and kissed her passionately. Their tongues dancing in unison as Y/N pulled her closer. Lizzie then started to move them both towards the bed. The two laying down facing the other. Both with bright smiles on their faces.

"I missed you." Lizzie whispered.

"I'm sorry you got grounded over me." Y/N whispered as she took Lizzie's hand in hers. Intertwining their fingers between their bodies.

"Don't be." Lizzie told her as she caressed the now fading bruise on Y/N's cheek. "I would do it all over again." She smiled at Y/N who kissed Lizzie once more.

"You are amazing. Do you know that?" Y/N spoke softly. Her eyes looking at the woman before her with love and adoration. Remembering what she said in the hospital. Her heart pounding in her chest. The memory of Lizzie's reaction, so Y/N decided to try to forget it had happened.

"You tell me that all of the time." Lizzie whispered with a soft smile on her face.

"And I will keep saying it for as long as you will allow me to." Y/N whispered before Lizzie cuddled into her for the night.

Y/N always snuck out before Jarnette was awake. Lizzie used the opportunity to make breakfast for her mum and the twins. Nothing taking her smile away as she knows she will see Y/N again. She hates that  she can't even go to the match to support Y/N either. But knowing she will get cuddle with her every night makes it all worth while.

"So what has been your excuse for Kathryn?" Lizzie as she lay on her stomach facing Y/N.

"I've been having sleepovers at Scarlett's." Y/N spoke sheepishly.

"You and Scarlett aren't even that close for sleep overs." Lizzie chuckled lightly.

"We came up with a plan that if ever Kathryn called, she would answer the phone and say I was sleeping." Y/N smirked. "We both didn't want you to be commpletely alone. Also we have a scout coming to our next game from Davenport."

"That's near Yale." Lizzie stated as she sat up.

"Yeah. I applied to as many colleges near Yale because me getting into Yale is a long shot." Y/N stated as Lizzie shook her head. Taking her hand in her own.

"You are smarter than you think Y/N." Lizzie told her. "I will be honest. I was shocked by your knowledge on female scientists. And even the discoveries from each of them."

"You know that is all I'm good at Lizzie." Y/N said as Lizzie shook her head as Y/N lay back. Staring up at the ceiling.

"You are so much more than you give yourself credit for." Lizzie told her as she hovered over Y/N. Her hair forming a curtain to their left. "I wouldn't be surprised if you took valedictorian from Kat."

"I doubt that. That girl is a fucking computer." Y/N stated making Lizzie nod in aggreement. "She is most definitely valedictorian of our year."

"Yeah you're right." Lizzie spoke with a smirk. "You'd be lucky to graduate."

"You're lucky you're grounded. I would be tickling your ass so much right now." Y/N smirked as she looked up at Lizzie.

"The last time I check, I have the upperhand here." Lizzie whispered as she leaned down closer to Y/N. There noses brushing one another.

"Oh yeah?" Y/N taunted her with a smirk.

"Oh yeah." Lizzie nodded before she went for a kiss. Only to squeal when Y/N flipped them over so she was on her back. Pinned down by Y/N.

"Looks like I have the upper hand." Y/N smirked.

"Lizzie!" The two heard Jarnette call as they heard her footsteps. Y/N quickly jumped under the bed as Lizzie went to the unlock the door.

"Mum!" Lizzie called out as she opened the door.

"What is going on?" Jarnette asked her as she stepped inside Lizzie's room. "Why did you squeal?"

"I saw a spider." Lizzie started as Jarnette tried to hold back a laugh.

"A spider?" Jarnette smirked as she looked in the room. "Where?"

"It crawled across the floor mum. It was huge." Lizzie said as she used her hands to talk. "It was the size of a house."

"You're over exagerating Lizard." Jarnette told her. "It was probably the size of a hair." She chuckled before she walked to the door.

"Mum. I swear it was huge." Lizzie reasoned with her.

"If you say so sweetie." Jarnette smiled at her before continuing. "Y/N's game is tomorrow right?"

"Yeah." Lizzie spoke sadly. 

"Well, I think you have been punished enough so, here is your phone and you're no longer grounded." Jarnette spoke with a smile. "Just please listen and do as I say next time."

"Of course mum. Thank you." Lizzie beamed as she hugged her mum before she went back to her room. Lizzie locked her door again before she watched as Y/N crawled from under the bed.

"So I'm a huge spider am I?" Y/N teased her as Lizzie chuckled before dragging her to the bed.

"I'm happy. And I'm tired." Lizzie said as cuddled into Y/N. "So please hold me."

"Always my love." Y/N whispered as she kissed Lizzie's head. The two falling into a peaceful slumber.


A cute lil chapter guys. Please let me know what you think.

Also this book maybe around 30 to 40 chapters long before I start the second. Still yet to work on the titles for the next two books in the Changes series. And this will be updated one chapter daily. While I also post two other chapters for another two fics each day. And one One Shot a week.

Have an awesome day/night you awesome guys and stunning ladies. <3

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