2: Party

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Scarlett made her way to her next class, sitting down beside her best friend. Lizzie Olsen is your typical good girl. Prefers to focus on her work. Not having time for boys or sex. Wanting to get into her prospective colleges. She is the girl who wants to be a journalist. Write for the most prestigious papers like the New York Times.

"So you got detention?" Lizzie asked as Scarlett sat down beside her.

"I did." Scarlett stated as she got her books out.

"Why did you have to kiss her?" Lizzie asked her as Scarlett chuckled. "You have literally just broke up with Colin again."

"It just happened Lizzie." Scarlett told her as Lizzie just chuckled before the teacher started the lesson.  "She is a very good kisser though." Scarlett whispered to her.

"Scarlett!" She whisper shouted at her. Scarlett just chuckled before she remembered what Evans had asked her in homeroom.

"You coming to Evan's party tonight?" Scarlett asked her as she shook her head. "Come on Lizzie. I need my best friend."

"You're just going to sleep with Y/N." Lizzie told her matter of factly

"Come on Lizzie. I won't ask for anything else." She said with pleading eyes. "Maybe Robbie will be there?"

"No. I don't like parties and I have homework." Lizzie told her.

"Nope. You are coming. I am coming to pick you up myself." Scarlett stated. Not caring much for Lizzie's rejections.

The rest of the day went by quickly. Lizzie made it home in record time to well, study. The twins were stood observing her.

"You know, studying on a Friday night should be made illegal." MK said with a smirk.

"Can you please leave me alone." Lizzie groaned as she continued to study.

"Seriously Lizzie, you're only a senior once." Ashley said as she sat beside her. Before Lizzie could answer, there was a knock on the door. MK was the first to answer.

"Come on Lizzie, let's go get ready for the party." Scarlett said as she entered the living room.

"I don't want to go." Lizzie told her. "Besides you only want Y/N to fuck you."

"Wait, do you mean Y/N Y/L/N?" Ashley asked as MK blushed. "The Y/N that you had sex with?" She asked MK who just cleared her throat, turning away.

"Wait, so you have slept with Y/N?" Scarlett asked.

"It was a couple of years ago." MK stated. "I was a Senior, she was a Sophmore."

"Was she good?" Scarlett asked as Ashley was loving the new development.

"She was amazing." MK stated with a groan. "It wasn't her first time. She knew exactly how to please a woman."

"Wow." Scarlett said as MK nodded.

"It's a pity she only sleeps with every girl once." MK shrugged. "I would have loved to have another night with her."

"Can you please leave me alone." Lizzie groaned.

"Nope." Scarlett said as she stood up. Grabbing Lizzie's arm and leading her to her own room. The twins following close behind. "Ok, let's pick out your outfit and do your hair."

"Up in a high pony. Show off your beautiful face." Ashley said.

"And light make up." MK chimed in as the three made her their very own mannequin.

Once they were finished, the three stood together telling Lizzie to do a twirl. Lizzie groaned but done it anyway.

"We make a great team." Ashley said as both MK and Scarlett agreed.

"Yes we do." Scarlett said before she grabbed Lizzie's hand. "Let's go." She dragged Lizzie down to her car. Lizzie hated parties. She hated being around large crowds and she knows that this is an Evan's party. It is going to be hectic.

As the two walked in the front door. The music blaring. Everyone was already drinking and smoking. Lizzie made her way swiftly to the kitchen as Scar made it her mission to find Y/N.

As Lizzie was getting a drink, someone cleared their throat beside her.

"Hey, I don't think we have ever spoken before." She said as she held her hand out for Lizzie to shake but Lizzie just glared at her.

"I know who you are." Lizzie stated dryly. "You're Y/N. Every girls dream and heartbreaker. Your next target is my best friend which I suggest you stay clear of Scarlett."

"Ok." Y/N said as she threw her hands up in defeat. "I guess I will take my leave madam." She spoke with a sarcastic bow as she took a beer. Walking out with a smirk on her face.

"You hate parties too." She heard Robbie say from behind her.

"And Y/N." She said with an eye roll.

"She is something but the girls seem to love her." He said as the two watched as Margot and Gal threw themselves at Y/N.

"She just urks me." Lizzie said breaking her attention away.

"I think Scarlett seems heartbroken." Robbie pointed out towards the dance floor. She saw Y/N making out with Margot as Gal was dancing up on her. Scarlett was stood with tears in her eyes.

"I have to go." Lizzie said with an apologetic look. Making her way to her best friend. "Come on Scar." She dragged her best friend out of the house and led her to her car.

Lizzie took her car keys from her, opening the passenger side for her before she got in the drivers side. Her anger for Y/N burning at an all time high.

"I thought I really had a chance after today." Scarlett whispered. "She made me think I had a chance."

"You're so much better than her." Lizzie said as she gave her hand a squeeze. "You deserve to be with someone who loves you unconditionally. Not just a one night stand. But someone who will worship the ground you walk on." Lizzie looked over at her friend. "Y/N isn't that person for anyone Scarlett. Y/N has never been that person and I don't think she ever will."

Scarlett gave her a thankful smile as Lizzie drove back to hers. Knowing that Scarlett needs a girly night. Knowing the twins will help her too. So the four girls finished their night watching rom-coms and eating ice cream before passing out on the sofa.


The second chapter as promised my awesome dudes. Please let me know what you think

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