30: Closure

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The winter break ended on a high. Both Y/N and Lizzie were stronger than ever. Y/N was happy to have someone to confide in. Someone who  was patient and didn't push. Lizzie changed Y/N, in the best fway she possibly could.

Y/N was extremely nervous for her next game. Especially hearing that scouts from Yale, NYU and Berkeley were going to be there.

"You will be amazing Y/N." Lizzie told her as she held her hand as they walked to their lockers.

"Thank you but it doesn't help me." Y/N said as they approached Lizzie's locker. "This is my future and truthfully I don't want to go to Berkeley or NYU. I want to go to Yale or somewhere nearby."

"NYU is only a bus ride away." Lizzie told her. "And besides, you have a car. So visiting will be easy."

"You're right." Y/N smiled at her. "I guess I just don't want to be too far away from you."

"It doesn't matter how far apart we are Y/N. My heart is yours and yours alone." Lizzie told her with a soft kiss.

"I can't wait to see you face plant today Y/L/N." Aubrey spoke with a smirk as Y/N groaned in irritation.

"Why don't you just fuck off Aubrey." Lizzie told her. Making Y/N smirk at her choice of her swear words.

"Ooh. Your bitch talks." Aubrey teased with a smirk.

"Don't you dare call her a bitch or any fucking name for that matter." Y/N told her angrily.

"Or what?" Aubrey smirked.

"Come on baby, she isn't worth it." Lizzie told Y/N. Just the softness in Lizzie's tone was enough to calm Y/
N down.

"Come on, let's get you to homeroom." Y/N spoke, ignoring Aubrey's presence as she wrapped her arm around Lizzie's shoulder. Pulling her into her.

"I'm proud of you." Lizzie whispered making Y/N smile goofily.

"Like I told you. You have changed me sunshine. You made me realise I can just be me." Y/N told her as they stopped outside her classroom. Y/N kissed her cheek before heading off to her own class.

"So, how was christmas?" Scarlett asked Lizzie as she sat down.

"It was amazing." Lizzie smiled, thinking of all of the nights she spent cuddled up with Y/N.

"When did you get that?" Scarlett asked, referring to her bracelet.

"Y/N got it for me." Lizzie smiled as she looked at it before she told Scarlett about all of the gifts she got.

"She truly does love you." Scarlett smiled. "If the bracelet doesn't say it, the engraved pen set does."

"We already said it." I told her sheepishly.

"What when?" Scarlett asked her. Lizzie told her how Y/N said it while she was in hospital with concussion thinking it was just a mistake but then how she confronted her two weeks later after the game after realising she was in love with Y/
N. "Aww. I'm so jealous."

"I'm sure Colin has said it plenty of times." Lizzie told her with a smile.

"Sure." Scarlett said as she looked at her notebook.

"So?" Lizzie asked her.

"No. He doesn't." Scarlett sighed. "We have been dancing around the same dance since middle school, and I feel like we aren't getting anywhere."

"I'm sure he loves you Scar." Lizzie told her.

"Anyway, enough about me. Have you guys you know?" She wriggled her eyebrows making Lizzie blush and chuckle.

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