Missing families

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Soonyoung and Jihoon were still uncertain if they should trust these strangers or not.
"You know our parents did the same when they found out about me and Jun dating". Minghao told them. Both the boys looks at him with surprised face.
"Really? Then what you did?" Jihoon asked being curious.
"Amm Jun is really nice guy, he said I should focus on my studies and just help with households. About money, he'll work hard to make a good life. You know we were college students of age 19 and 20 that time. Jun somehow managed to work and study at the same time and we finally graduated. He helped me with my business and finally here we are. It's been 7years that we left home and never even received a call from them". Minghao Sigh telling the kids their story.
"Mr. Wen is such a generous person". Soonyoung smiled at Minghao.
"Oww were you guys talking about me?" Jun came holding icecreams. He gave everyone.
"It's cold outside, how about we get into the car?" He asked helping the kids with thier bag and they went inside the car.

Both the kids reached at WenXu's house, no mansion you say. They were surprised that how big and classy the place was. They went inside through the big door. A maid welcome them and the Chinese couple told her to put the bags in guest room.
"Let's eat dinner. Maria, call Wonwoo". Minghao told his another maid.
A teenager walked down the stairs after some time with glasses on and a book he still reading.
He sat on his chair without saying a word, still all eyes on the book. The boy didn't even noticed the presence of other two boys. The maid put the food on table and Minghao served it to everyone, Soonyoung help a little.
Minghao served Wonwoo and started to from 1 to 10. The two new boys were confused. At the count of 10, Minghao snatch the book away, Wonwoo looked at him and then at his food. He finally noticed two unknown boys.
"Wonu dear, these are your hyungs. They will be staying with us for a while". Jun said.
"That shortie doesn't even look older than me". Wonwoo replied eyeing Jihoon.
"Wonu, you should call them hyung. This is Woozi and this is Hoshi. And this is Wonwoo". Minghao introduce them.
"Hello Wonwoo, I'm Hoshi. How old are you?" Soonyoung asked with a smile. Wonwoo looked at him and a smile appeared on his face.
"I'm 16". He replied.
"Mr. Xu, is he your younger brother?" Jihoon asked.
Minghao giggled, his giggles are really cute in both boys opinion.
"Not my brother but my son. He is Jun and my son Wonwoo. We adopted him 4years ago".
"He looks as nice as you Mr Xu and Mr Wen". Hoshi said.
"Really? Well we get that a lot. Our Wonwoo is really good child". Jun said ruffling Wonwoo's hairs.

The dinner was over and maid showed Soonyoung and Jihoon their room. The Chinese couple didn't asked them about their families at dinner but they might tomorrow. Jihoon have to share room with Soonyoung because obviously thay lied about dating. They entered the room, it was big enough. Soonyoung spotted a sofa at the corner and decide to sleep there and let the older ( for Soonyoung Jihoon is 18) use the bed. Jihoon didn't said anything, he get on the bed and went to sleep.
Soonyoung can't sleep, worried about what will his bestfriend think about his decision. Did his parents really don't care at all. His eyes started to get watery thinking of all this things and it didn't took long for him to start to cry. He cried silently, not wanting to wake the latter up.

It was like 2at midnight, Soonyoung still crying. Then suddenly Jihoon shouted and woke up. Soonyoung quickly went to him to ask what happened.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Sorry for waking you up, I just had a nightmare....... wait, you weren't sleeping. Were you crying?" Jihoon asked looking at Soonyoung's puffy,teary eyes.
"Just missing my family. You should go back to sleep". Soonyoung said going back to sofa.
"Ca...n can you... sleep here with me?... I'm..... scared". Soonyoung stopped and turned to the shorter. He can tell that the boy was scared,so he sat on the bed and Jihoon put his head on Soonyoung's lap. Jihoon really hate skinship but this small eyed boy makes him comfortable. His touch calms him.
"My parents also adopted me 6years ago. I was so happy that they loved me so much. Later they adopted 2 more kids and I love my two brothers so much. But you know, from last 3 years all I've seen is them fighting, fighting for every small thing. They always get angry at me for nothing and they even stopped paying much attention to my younger brothers, who still needs parents love. I was fed up by all this, taking care of them, getting scold by parents and being stressed because of their fights. That's why I ran away". Jihoon don't know why but he just wanted to tell everything to the one whose real name aslo he doesn't know.
"I'm not adopted one but now I feel like I'm. I was happy when there were only me, Eomma and Aappa. But after my mother's death everything changed. My father married Mr. Jeonghan".
"Your father married to a guy?"
"I don't mind him being bisexual though".
"No actually, my parents are both male too". Jihoon explain.
"Really? Then we shouldn't had said they are homophobic". Soonyoung added.
"Right but we can't tell them the truth as they will try to reach our parents and send us back". Jihoon told the taller.
"Yeah you are right".
"You didn't tell me why you run away?" Jihoon asked.
"Oww right, after marrying Mr. Jeonghan, my father just changed. It was 4 years ago. Mr. Jeonghan joined the family with his two children. I thought we will be a really happy family but they don't want me in their happy family. My father started to neglecting me, he will not even ask me how was my day. My step brothers.......well I don't want to hate them as they are still young but they hate me so much. They lied to father that I did bad things to them. Which I never did. Mr. Jeonghan too, he never asked me if I really did that or not. He sometimes acts like he cares for me but I guess it's all act to show my father.  Few days ago my brothers asked me to take them to a park and when I went to buy snacks for them, they went back home without telling me. I was so scared when I couldn't find them at park, I tried to search for them everywhere and when it was really late at night and I was unable to find them, I decided to go back home and tell my Aappa. But you know, when I got home, all I received was q slap from my father saying that I was such a bad son to leave his younger brothers alone at park and went to play games ". Jihoon can see tears falling from Soonyoung's eyes as he was telling him what happened. Jihoon put his hand on Soonyoung's to ease him.
"I didn't even got to explain myself. Mr. Jeonghan's words stab my chest like arrows. He said that he never thought I'll hate them so much and do something as low as this. Was I the one who hate them?" Soonyoung cried more and more. Jihoon was also crying now. He hugged Soonyoung.
"Don't worry, now you have me and I have you. I'll never let anyone make you cry, I promise". Jihoon uttered. Soonyoung wrapped his arms around the shorter and hummed into the hug.


Wonwoo16Son of Minghao and JunA bookworm, but cute and playful sometimes

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Son of Minghao and Jun
A bookworm, but cute and playful sometimes.
He is intelligent.

Guys so what do think about the families? Why does Soonyoung's brothers hate him?

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