Yes..... They do.

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It was Sunday and no one bothered to go to Soonyoung's room. Jeonghan still made breakfast for him. Then they left for amusement park.
That day they came back very late like 11at night. As the two have school tomorrow, the parents sent them to bed and also decided to go to sleep.

Monday morning came with the same daily routines. Jeonghan woke up his two children up and told them to get ready for school. He didn't need to wake Soonyoung up as the latter wakes up by his own and comes down for breakfast after getting ready by himself.
It was breakfast time and everyone were there except Soonyoung. Jeonghan even noticed that the breakfast he made yesterday was untouched.
"Why Soonyoung not coming down for breakfast?" Jeonghan asked with a frown.
"I'll go and check". Seungcheol got up from his chair and went to Soonyoung's room.
"Soonyoung open the door.................. Soonyoung?............ Soonyoung?..." Seungcheol knocked many times but got no response. Jeonghan can also hear that and went to check why Soonyoung was not opening his door. Seungcheol got worried and decided to break the door. He slammed himself hard on the door and the door cracked open revealing a empty room.
Jeonghan scanned the room and realised some of Soonyoung's belongings were missing. He tried to call him but his phone was switched off. "Seungcheol, where could be he?" Jeonghan asked worriedly.
"Call everyone and ask them, I'll go and ask Shownu hyung for help".

They tried everything but there was no clue of Soonyoung. They decided to go to police.
"When did he ran away?" The officer asked. Jeonghan and Seungcheol looked at each other.
Right, the parents don't even know when did their child ran away.
"Ahhh when did you last time saw him?" The officer asked again.
"Saturday night". Jeonghan answer.
"And you found out on Monday that your child is missing? Wow are you really his parents?" Officer said rudely.
"Officer, it's better if you find our child instead of talking". Kihyun, Shownu's husband said staring at the officer.

"The police will do their work but I think we should try to find him". Kihyun said and others agreed.
"We should ask Soonyoung's best friend, I bet he will know something". Shownu suggested.
"I've his mother's number". Jeonghan called Minhyuk's mother.
"Hello, Minhyuk's Eomma?"

"Oww dae Soonyoung's Aappa?"

"I wanted to ask you that, did Soonyoung and Minhyuk went to the dance class yesterday?"

"Huh? Dance class? What dance class are you talking about, Mr. Yoon? My Minhyuk don't go to any dance class".

"What? But they told us that they go to dance class from 5 to 9pm and then they study till 10 before Soonyoung come back home".

"No, Minhyuk don't even go out after 5....and study?....... No way........ Yaaa Minhyukaaaa come down now".

"Minhyuk's mom is saying that there is no such a thing like dance class". Jeonghan told the others while putting his phone away.
"What? Put it on speaker". Seungcheol said in disbelief.

"Yaaa what is with this dance class thing? You better explain it to Mr. Yoon". Minhyuk's mother said giving phone to him.
Minhyuk hesitatingly took the phone and said hello.

"Dear, didn't you said that you and Soonyoung go to dance class everyday? Then why your mom saying there is no such a thing?"

"Ammm uncle....... Soonie..... actually.....he said not to tell you about this.......we don't go to dance class.....he".
Minhyuk said being a little scared.

Run away - SoonhoonWhere stories live. Discover now