Bitter truth

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After a while Jisoo and Seungcheol came back but with sad face.

"What happened hyung?" Seokmin asked, with concern face. Jisoo didn't say anything but just broke down in tears into younger's arms.

"What happened? Did something happened to our Hooniie?" Seokmin has tears in his eyes seeing Jisoo crying in his arms. He can't help but think of the worst.

"Seungcheol, what happened? Why Jisoo is crying?" Jeonghan asked as he was also scared now.

"The police said, Jihoon sold his own song to come to Seoul". What Seungcheol said made Seokmin really sad. The parents know how amazing their son is and they have heard one of his songs on the annual day.

After calming down, Seungcheol told them, what exactly the police has said.

It was Jihoon's annual day celebration when his teacher asked him to perform. Everyone knew how good Jihoon is, so they knew the chief guest, who was Pledis entertainment's producer, will definitely like it. Jihoon sang very well and received a lot of praises. He was just simply happy that his parents took time to come to see him perform.

After 2days, principal called Jihoon to their office and there Jihoon met the producer again. Jihoon was surprised to see the producer there. The man said, he wants to talk with Jihoon personally. They went to the side room beside principal's office. Jihoon was confused, why does the producer wants to meet him.

"Did you wrote that song, you sing the other day?" The man asked straightforwardly. Jihoon just nodded as answer.

"I want to buy it". Jihoon's eyes widened at the sudden offer.

"I'm sorry, but my songs are not for sale". And Jihoon left bidding a goodbye with a bow.
Jihoon will hate if someone else will call his songs theirs. But as he has to go to Seoul, he decided to sale his song.

When they heard everything, they felt sorry for the kid. Seokmin started to blame himself, that it was his fault.
Seeing his parents crying, Chan started to cry. They don't wanted the kids to cry, so they calm themselves and hugged the kids.

It was Sunday, the parents still haven't found their kids and getting more scared. They even gave article in newspaper and today, they gave the information of kids in the news channels too, but didn't get anything.

Soonyoung and Jihoon working with JunHao and enjoying their family time. Jun and Minghao were happy too, as now days Wonwoo looks more happy and they were excited for his debate competition. As it was Sunday so none of them have to work and Wonwoo also don't have school, so they decided to all hangout together.

"Wonu, where do you want to go?" Jun asked as they will do whatever Wonwoo wants today.
Wonwoo giggles as everyone were giving so much attention to him today.

"My favourite dessert shop". He exclaimed happily and the parents nodded.

"Let's get going then". They all sat in the car.
The car was going and going but the cafe was yet to come (first that going going and now yet to come, it makes me sing the songs)

"It's more than 20 mins Paa, why are we not there yet?" Jihoon complains folding his arms, waiting impatiently. Minghao giggled and turned to look at the pouty Jihoon.

"This place is little far, like 30 mins. But their cakes and desserts are really tasty". Minghao replied. After hearing the older, Soonyoung got a big smile on his face.

"Why are you smiling so much Hosh?" Hao questions looking at him adorably.

"Paa, Aappa, you two are so sweet. You came all the way here just because Wonwoo wanted. Wonuyaa, you are so lucky to have parents like them". Hoshi replied honestly.

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