Like a family

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Next morning came with same feelings. Jihoon was early to wake up and when he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw really pleased his eyes.
It was a fondly sleeping tall male. A small cute smile appeared on his face. Actually Soonyoung have thought of sleeping on sofa but Jihoon said it was fine to share bed.
He got up from the bed and went to fresh up then he went down to help Minghao and Jun to make breakfast.

"Mr. Ha.... I mean Paa, can I cook breakfast today?" He asked.

"Owww you know how to cook?" Minghao asked with a surprise look.

"Yes, I always cook for my younger brothers, I'll cook something special for Hoshi". He said with a smile, Minghao nodded to that and said he'll also help.
After some time Wonwoo came down too, already in his school uniform.

"Morning Aappa". He greeted.
"Hey shortie". Jihoon just rolled his eyes. Wonwoo looked for Hoshi but didn't find him.
"Aappa, where is Hoshi hyung?" He asked.

"He hasn't come down yet, maybe still sleeping". Jun answered.

"I'll go and wake him". Wonwoo headed to Hoshi's room. He slowly opened the door and saw the latter was still sleeping. He slowly approach the bed, not wanting to wake the older up Wonwoo don't know why but he likes Hoshi and seeing him sleeping this cutely made him want to just stare at him. Wonwoo sat on the bed and took out his index finger, moving it in front of Hoshi's face, observing his facial features. Wonwoo was doing his things when Hoshi started to mumble something.

"Aappa..... Aappa...... Don't leave me...... Aappa". Wonwoo was worried and tried to wake him up but Hoshi just put his head on Wonwoo's lap and wrapped his hands around his waist.
Hoshi's action made Wonwoo surprise and a light pick blush appeared on his cheeks. It didn't take much time for Hoshi to wake up and realise what he was doing.
He quickly let go of Wonwoo's slim waist and sat up straight.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it". He quickly apologize but Wonwoo gave him a small smile.

"I don't mind you doing that, but now you need to iron my shirt". He said with a little giggled, Hoshi giggled too and nodded his head.

"Hyung, if you ever need a hug, come to me". Wonwoo said opening his arms. Soonyoung knew, he and Wonwoo are of same age but he can tell how much mature Wonwoo is than him. He quickly hugged Wonwoo with a smile and uttered a thank you.

Both came down for breakfast.
"Wonu baby, why are you smiling so much?" Minghao asked noticing how happy his son was.

"Just happy today". He replied. They all sat and started to eat breakfast.

"Hoshi, how's the breakfast today?" Jun asked.

"It's very tasty Aappa, did you make it?" Hoshi said with a grin.

"Not me but your boyfriend did". Jun replied pointing at Woozi.

"Woozi? It's very tasty. I'm sorry that I can't cook, normally Mr. Jeo.... I mean my step mother or my Aappa cooks". Hoshi said, his smile disappearing slowly.

"I also don't know how to cook, so it's okay hyung". Wonwoo was quick to light up Hoshi's mood with his smile.

"Ohh right, Hoshi Woozi, can you two drop Wonwoo school?" Minghao asked.
"Nae Paa".

When Hoshi sat on driving seat, Wonwoo was quick to sat beside him, making Woozi sit back.

"What do you guys think? Will my project get selected or not?" He asked as today was the day of submission.

"Don't worry kiddo, it's good enough to get 1st rank. Even a genius like me wouldn't have come up with such a idea". Woozi assured, Wonwoo gave him a done look at the mention of genius.

"Thanks shortie". Wonwoo gave him a smirky smile, Woozi just glared at him.

Hoshi giggled seeing them always quarreling.

"Don't worry Wonu, your project will get the highest rank". Wonwoo smiled at Hoshi's words. They reached at his school.

"Kiddo, do well at school and don't flirt with chicks".

"Shut up shortie".

Minghao and Jun reached at the mall. They gave the car key to the watchman for parking as Hao said he wanted to walk a little. They walked by the side of the park which was opposite to the building they own.
"Honey, look at those kids and their parents, so cute right? But I wonder, how they manage 4 kids. We are still afraid to adopt another one". Minghao said looking at the four kids at the park with two tall males.

"Right, they are cute and why do we need to adopt more? We have 3 now". Jun replied pulling Minghao closer.
"Yeah we have 3 now". Minghao giggled hugging Jun's arm.


I'm busy with I'm your Prince that I didn't update here much.

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