Prolog : A Field of Flowers

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The G.O.D of Death could only stare at the floor as he lisened to the council arguing. At least 20 different G.O.Ds had been gathered to deal with this problem.

"So it's decided then, Once all of the chosen all pulled from our domain Time will freeze their connected universes, while the others will be brought here temporarily to act as guides."

"That's good I didn't want to deal with that wall anyway "

"This will be fun, remind me to thank Dispare when his punishment is up"

"Your worried about the Wall, your such a wimp, you should worry about "Them" instead "

The G.O.D of Death just really hoped he wouldn't be blamed for this.


Cale groaned slightly, before rolling over.

"Human you awake you said we will have a picnic today"

Cale rolled over once again, wondering for the nth time how this little dragon could have so much energy.

"Our youngest is right, let's go"

Cale sighed slightly before nodding, he had had that dream again.

The one that felt like he was floating, in some cramped wet space where he could barely move. As always it was incredibly realistic to the point his mind would have recorded it if he had been able to see anything.

'It's not like it matters that much it's just a dream'

He thought as he patted the energetic kitten and dragon.

"What time is it?"

After all he had told his children averaging 10 they would have a picnic lunch. Lunch being the key word.

"Human it's almost noon"

The young dragon seemed slightly exasperated with his Human.

'Apparently it is lunch '

"Your lemonade Young Master "

This scary guy was here as well. The thought flitted through Cale's mind questioning why he kept asserting everything was normal, but it didn't stop him from getting ready.

"Hurry Human, Smart Roslyn, Kind Mary, Strong Choi Han, and everyone even The Cookie Prince are waiting "

'Isn't he the Emperor now'

Cale smiled at Raon, who still hadn't stopped calling Alberu the Cookie Prince.


Cale sat under the shade of the parasol Ron had brought while nibbled on the cookies Alberu brought.

'Still how is it possible that all this important people can get away with just hanging out in the Henituse territory '

Cale thought as he looked towards the group ranging from saints to well whatever Clopeh was.

"This is nice"

He muttered, a few heads turned his direction.

"Your right Cale-nim "

Choi Han agreed as the others nodded. Their group continued to chatter and play while Cale dozed, only really opening his eyes when the kids came to give him a flower crown.

"Human you look pretty "

'Pretty '

Cale gave the three a very iffy look, he knew this body was good looking but pretty seemed a bit much.

"You really are Cale "

"Thank you Miss Roslyn "

Cale decided he might as well play along.

"But I think this moment is better than any beauty I could ever have"

'After all I get to have my slacker life '

Cale didn't noticed but the others once again came to a silent agreement.

"Gah what the h**l"

Cage suddenly dropped her cup and began grabbing at her head.

"That mother**** god!"

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