The Kitten

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One week ago the Watterson family had finally gotten home from what was sure to be an unforgettable vacation, one they'd remember for many, many years to come. Everyone had said their goodbyes and parted ways, returning to their normal lives, except for Nicole and Richard who were staying with Gumball's family for the rest of the summer, and everything had gone back to normal again.

Well, almost everything. You see, a week after getting home nearly everyone had forgotten about and moved past the multiple near-death experiences the family had gone through on their family vacation together, and were now happily enjoying the remainder of their summer holiday together.

Everyone except Tristan.

No matter how hard he tried, one experience, in particular, had continued to haunt him and his dreams ever since he'd gotten back. This experience had unlocked a new fear deep inside him, a new paranoia, one he just couldn't stop worrying about. And the source of all of this was the nightmares he'd begun to experience ever since he'd arrived home.

Every night he'd relive the same horrible nightmare he'd had the night the event in question had happened, now twisted by his mind to prey on his new fears and paranoia. Every night he'd be forced to watch the same horrible event replay in front of him, over and over and over. Every night he awoke with a scream, horrified at what his subconscious had forced him to see, before hiding under the covers of his bed and crying himself back to sleep again, too afraid to tell anyone about it.

and now, in the early hours of the morning, Tristan was once again tossing and turning in his bed, face scrunched up tightly in anguish, tears trickling down his cheeks as he moaned under his breath, beginning to yet again relive the same horrible nightmare he had endured many times before.

He found himself in a forest in the middle of a dark, stormy night, completely alone, and immediately knew he was having the same nightmare again. He tried to turn and run in the opposite direction from always happened, but his mind simply wouldn't let him. It was as if there was an invisible barrier stopping him.

Having no other choice he reluctantly gave in and slowly began to walk forward, trembling heavily in fear, arms tightly pinned against his chest, ears pinned against his head.

"D-D-Dad?! M-Mom!? P-Penelope...?...G-Grandma Nicole......Grandpa Richard..." He called out for any of his family members, slowly getting quieter and more defeated as he did, realizing that he wasn't going to receive any response from any of them, just like always.

He had hoped, no prayed that this time they might be there, that for once this scenario might play out differently, but evidently, that wasn't the case.

As he continued walking thunder roared around him and the sky lit up. As it did, two eyes could be seen in the distance, hidden amongst the trees and glaring at him. Tristan saw them and immediately knew who they belonged to. He tried to run away but his body simply wouldn't let him and instead made him slowly back toward a large sequoia tree.

As he did the owner of the eyes emerged from the trees, a large, very angry mother bear. She began to stalk toward him, growling fiercely as she looked at her prey. Tristan continued backing away until he was right against the tree, trembling and whimpering in fear.

He again tried to run, growl, or even just cover his face but he simply couldn't move. He was stuck firmly in place as the bear slowly edged closer. It was like his body was being controlled by someone else. Something else. His mind. Forcing him to go along with its sadistic scenario, forcing him yet again to watch the events unfolding in front of him.

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