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Luz: I got my scroll back

Amity: It's been less than a day how did you...

Luz: King helped me steal it so then he could watch funny cat videos

Willow: He still watches those things

Luz: Yas, me doo

Gus: Oh hey king

Willow: Hii

Amity: Hey bud

Hunter: Still sorry I called you a bird 

Luz: I ohk hunter

Hunter: I have to go I have to give Darius tips on how to work the sewing machine.

Amity: Alador is talking me,Emira, and Edric to the carnival so I'm not gonna be able to talk much longer

Luz: Finally got my phone back
         Okay Adios Batata

Amity: ❤

Luz: ❤

Hunter: Bye~

Raine is online

Raine: Luz Your lucky I took Eda's scroll or your butt would be dead

Luz: I know but it's technically for a good cause 

Darius: Hunter I know where you are

Luz: Hold on king! What's happening guys

Hunter: He's forcing me to go outside!!!! So im hiding 

Luz: Nice

Hunter: AH IM CaUgHt- 

Darius: He is okay but his scroll is about to die... He sucks at charging it 

Luz went offline

 The Next Day

Raine: I killed Eda 

Hunter: What did you do this time

Raine: She won't wake up 

Luz: Damn 

Vee: Mami is mad 

Luz: Boo I don't care

Vee: Luz, dije que no maldigas, te sacare de tu trasero, lo siento, de vuelta a casa

Luz: Mami, lo siento mucho, era una broma, te lo juro por mi vida, lo siento mucho, lo siento mucho.

Vee went offline

Alador: Mittens is she the reason you know Spanish

Amity: Kinda ig 

Luz: Oye Mr.Blight tu hija es muy simpatica 

Alador: I hope she is even tho her mother barely taught her manners 

Amity: You know Spanish!?

Darius: He was a master at Spanish is high school.

Note: The next few stories I'm making are all me and my friend's ideas so strap in for a chaotic ride folks!

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