No Answer

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            Cutting, fumes, and panic attack

* Moments after an accident in the human realm*

Luz: I'm so sorry i didn't mean to do any of this...

*An hour later*

Hunter: oh sh-- I didn't realize she texted 

Amity: She's not answering any of my calls or texts

Willow: Wait did she ever come with us through the portal.

Vee: No, she didn't. she's with us locked in here room. I can hear her crying but she isn't saying anything.

Amity: I don't think she heard of forgive her...

* Luz's POV *

Luz: They hate me! They will never forgive me! They didn't even realize that I was gone! 

Vee: Hey Luz, is everything okay in there I know today was tough but everyone is worried even Camilla is worried. Please just come out soon.

Luz: Hmph, never, never again will I ever  

* The next morning* 

Vee: Luz, you- *Door slides open* Luz are you okay? Whoa, what happened. Luz, please talk to me, luz?

Luz: Huh, what happened? Why is the door open? And why is there small droplets of blood!?

Vee: Um, Look at your wrists. You got emotional last night because something had happened that wasn't your fault. 

Luz: Oh no, Mami's gonna kill me if she finds out!

Vee: You also fogged up the room *giggles* 

Luz: Is mom home right now

Vee: Nope she went  to go get some stuff to make you feel better.

Luz: Great cause this needs to be aired out.

Note: Sorry this is another short one I started writing this when I was very stressed and emotional but now that I'm better I don't know what to put because I was putting myself into Luz in this.

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