Sleepover PT. 2

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        *IN PERSON*

Hunter: Hey guys, I'm sorry for the way I was acting in the group chat!

Amity: It's okay we (she means herself) forgive you.

Hunter: Thanks, but I was being really mean to you over something stupid you did...

Willow, Gus, and Luz: *GASP* 
Luz: What did you do...?

Amity: Wait you mean when we revisited Camila?

Hunter: Yes, I mean just that!

Luz: Hold tf up!! When did you guys go see my mother!?!

Hunter: A couple days before you started the group chat.

Amity: Wait so you were mad at me because I kept laughing every time you fell up the stairs of the mall and other stores??

Hunter: *Mumbles* yes...

Willow: Huh, did anyone hear what he said??

Hunter: Yes, okay I mad because of that!

Amity: Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize you didn't like that. It's kinda a force of habit from when ya' know I used to be a bully...

Willow: Yeah I remember that you also laughed at me a lot in class

Gus: You also laughed when you kept making my illusion's glitch. But at least now we forgave you and you changed a lot!

Amity: Well thanks guys, and I will try not to laugh at you when that happens.

Hunter: Yeah...

Willow and Luz: HUG HUG HUG !!!!!

   After a few hours of chatting and gossiping 

Amity: So~, anyone wanna watch horror movies.

Gus: Oh, I found this when we were stuck in the human realm awhile ago! It's called "IT", it's about this clown that likes to party with kids underground.

Luz: Yeah~ so that's definitely not what it's about! "IT" is about a clown called Pennywise that likes to kill little kids that like to play around with no supervision, he also haunts these kids known as the 'losers club'. I watched this when I was around 10-11 years old and I had to wash 3 pairs of pants *giggles*. I don't think you want to watch this... 

Gus: Are you calling me a baby?!?

Hunter: I think she is!

Gus: Well guess what I am not a child anymore I can so watch this PeNnYwIsE thing!

Amity: hold on before we watch this whole thing! I think we're missing somethings?

Willow: Pillows, blankets, TV, movies... nope I don't thing we are?

Vee: Snacks! She means snacks Willow.

Luz: When did you get here?

Vee: I checked what the group chat was blowing up about and saw that you guys were having a sleep over, so I thought I might as well join! Now, I have popcorn for everyone, everyone's favorite candy and drinks, also I bought all of you guys stuffed animals.

Gus: Oh~, really!? What did we get??

Vee: Well, Luz got 2 an otter and a snake because i didn't know which one to get, Amity got this black cat to kinda match with ghost, Willow got a butterfly because there was no bee's left, Hunter got a northern cardinal because it looks kinda like Flapjack and I know you still miss him, and lastly you Mr.Augustus got a chameleon to match your palisman. And I also got a snake because why not!

Hunter: Thank you so much, I do still miss him but I can now talk to all kinds of palisman because of his powers!

Willow: Yeah, this was really nice of you Vee.

Amity: I'm gonna guess that Ghost is gonna try to fight this but it's actually so soft.

Luz: * In her own little world* 

Hunter: Well are we just gonna keep talking or are we gonna watch the horror movies that Gus found awhile ago??

Amity: Let's start watching them I'm getting kinda bored of talking now.

Amity and Luz are cuddling and so are Willow and Hunter 
Vee and Gus and sitting next to each other because either their partner isn't there or they're gonna be scared together.

Note: Sorry for the wait! School and my life has been pretty hard to deal with. I hope you enjoy this because i don't know when I might post the next episode which is gonna be a pt. 3! 
   Stay excited!!! More improvement and way more fun and crazy stuff to happen!

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