Q/N 😆😆😁😁😁😁😄😄😄

809 14 90

March 8th, 2023

Sorry if it doesn't turn out the way you wanted 😔

For Jupiter: "How do you feel having to be the dad?"
Jupiter: Well it gets a bit stressful sometimes with all their questions, but I love all of them! 😁

(Idk who It's for) "How do you feel about the sun's solar flares?"
Mercury: I hate them.
Venus: They really suck though thankfully Mercury gets hit instead of me :)
Mercury: 😑😑😑😑

"How long can Venus be nice for?"
Venus: If it's Earth, I can be nice. Anyone else, it's really hard to be nice too. And Mercury is absolutely impossible to be nice to, that's just a fact.

"What's the score of Venus roasting everyone?"
Mercury: error
Earth: 10 (probably a bit more)
Mars: 2? (I think-)
Jupiter: 0
Saturn: 1
Uranus: 1
Neptune: 0

"Who absolutely NEEDS to go to therapy?"
Jupiter: Venus and Earth need therapy for just about everything. Mercury could use it. Neptune, maybe. But please get Earth and Venus into therapy. Venus has anger issues and I don't know what Earth has but he still need it.

"Titan, how come you're named Titan but you're only the second largest?"
Titan: Idk, it was the dumb Earthlings who came up with that name.
Earth: 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠

"Saturn, if you know most of your moons, list them."
Saturn: Ok there's Titan, Di... Dione? Encledus, Mimes, Iaputus? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I give up. 😔

"Sun, what would you do if someone was way out of their orbit?"
Sun: Shoot a solar flare at them obviously. They need to learn to stay in their orbit!

"Neptune, have you ever blinked with both eyes?"
Neptune: hehe na na brrrr naannaaaa
Uranus: No he hasn't.

"Mercury, if you could, what would you say about Venus?"
Mercury: Let me get my list!
Mercury: Venus literally can't do anything right. He is a melting trash planet. He bullies everyone, especially me. I don't know why he does targets me but I hate it so much! He is annoying and the worst. He bullies everyone he knows, wait I said that twice didn't I? Meh idc. He literally is so horrible, even Astrodude didn't want to visit back to him.

"Earth, do you think that someday somebody will find that cringy video when you recorded yourself practicing to flirt back then?"
Earth: Hey I think it was good.
Moon: Earth, you were in front of a mirror, saying pick up lines, TO YOURSELF. I wish that didn't orbit you because those pickup lines are trash.
Earth: Uh are you trying to insult me.
Moon: Unless you find the truth as an insult, then yes.
Earth: 😑😑😑😑
(Idk how Earth got a planet-sized mirror 😨😨😨)

Word count: 458😱😱😱😱😱

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