Jupiter and Saturn

620 12 19

April 3rd, 2023

Just Jupiter and Saturn being the big brothers of the group.
I don't feel like doing the narrating part 😔
It depends on the plot and request on when this takes place.
Enjoy!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘🥰😍😍😘🥰😍🥰🥰🥰🥰😍🥰😘😍😍😍🥰🥰😍😍😍

Jupiter: Hey guys what are you up to?
*Mars with several asteroid craters*
Earth, holding an asteroid: Ah nothing much!
Mars: 😑
Mercury: I think Mars could say other wise.
Saturn: Mercury, what did you do?
Mercury: I kinda put something in Venus's lemonade...

Neptune: Hey Uranus do you know what's going on?
Uranus: Nope.
Pluto: Hey guys! How are ya?
Uranus: Oh Pluto haven't seen you in a while!
Pluto: Yeah. Ever since I wasn't a planet, the Sun kicked me out of all planet events.
Uranus: Wow. That's sad. You can try to sneak in?
Pluto: But wont the Sun notice me?
Uranus: he'll be too busy worrying were Neptune is cause he never shows up to the events.

With Saturn's moon
Mimas: Take this!
*Throws an asteroid at Enceladus*
Enceladus, dodging: Hah, skill issues.
Dione: This is entertaining
Titan: Hah, you bet.
Iapetus: You guys are all idiots.
Dione: Wow, ok.
Mimas: Thanks for being rude.
Iapetus: What? It's just the truth.
Enceladus: Well maybe YOU should keep your mouth shut!
Iapetus: well maybe YOU should get a few braincells!
Enceladus: WELL MAYBE YO—
Saturn: Are you guys arguing again?
Iapetus: Not my fault that I'm the only one here with a functioning brain.
Saturn: Iapetus! You need to work on that attitude!
Titan: Pfft- yeah.
Iapetus: Well look who just arrived, the favorite moon!
Titan: I was here for a while. And it's not my fault you're always a jerk to Saturn and everyone else!
Iapetus: You're always rubbing it in that YOU'RE THER FAVORITE!!!
Titan: *gasp* I DO NOT!!!
Enceladus: Can you guys just shut up!
Mimas: No this is exciting! I like it!
Dione: Same!
Titan: Can you stop being so rude?!
Saturn: I agree! We all need to learn how to get along with each other!
Iapetus: Of course YOU would agree with him!
Saturn: I will not tolerate this attitude. Everyone, go back to your orbits until you learn how to behave yourselves.
Mimas: And it was just getting interesting!
Dione: Yeah...

Back with Jupiter and the Inner planets
Moon: *sigh* Earth, what in the universe are you doing now?
Earth: Hold on! I'm trying to make something!
Moon: please don't tell me you're trying make a another sun, AGAIN.
Earth: No, no. I already got scolded and lectured by Venus last time.
Jupiter: Earth, whatever this is, don't do it. You'll probably end up destroying us all.
Earth: Jupiter! It's not that bad! I just think you're being a bit dramatic.
Jupiter: Mhm. Why don't you go hang out with the others INSTEAD of doing this crazy experiment.
Earth: *dramatically sighing* fiiiinneee...
Jupiter: *chuckles* Now look who's the one being dramatic.

Saturn: Jupiter! My moons are so hectic! They're always arguing and getting hurt.
Jupiter: Hah. Well the Inner planets today were downright crazy.
Saturn: I knew it was something in that lemonade they're so obsessed with.
Saturn: Hey, shouldn't the Sun be the one to take care of everyone? Not us?
Jupiter: We all know he would just make it worse with his psychotic self.
Saturn: hehe, you're right

Wow that one was a bit longer but I tried.
Byeeee!!!! <333
Word count: 584 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

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