Chapter 2

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The next day I wake up with my gloves on. I still felt guilty for what I did yesterday.

I stand up and change clothes. I remember I have a meeting with overhaul today. I roll my eyes in annoyance.

I walk to the main room quickly after noticing I'm almost late. I walk up to dabi.

I pick up the courage to speak and take a deep breath. I always had trouble apologizing but I knew it was wrong from me to do this. I don't like to admit it but this time it actually was my fault. Then I say to dabi with guilt: "sorry for yesterday. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just stressed from all this stuff and-"

"It's fine shig, it didn't hit me." Dabi says reassuringly. "I shouldn't have yelled. At the both of you." He looks at kurogiri and kurogiri nods at him.

I nod at him too still feeling guilty as I put my family's hands on. "See ya later" I say as I walk out of the door. I put my hood on and walk to the place overhaul wanted to meet.

When I arrive I see his stupid crew standing behind him. "Oh so you can bring your crew and I can't bring my friends? Not fair, overwhore" I say as I sit down on the couch with my shoes on the table.

I chuckle at overhauls face, he was mad but tried to stay calm.

"Where are your manners?" He says.

"Up your moms asshole" I say with a fake bright smile mockingly.

He was getting mad and annoyed. Then he explain what he wants. I didn't even listen, I was bored and tired and I yawn in boredom. I look around me. They were kinda rich, man.

"So are you in?" He suddenly asked.

"What? Did you say something?" I say mockingly as I look him in the eyes.

His stupid puppet guy thing gets angry and scolds me. The other one in the white clothing also doesn't look too happy but doesn't speak. I begin to laugh.

"So what's in it for me?" I ask, now getting serious.

Overhaul looks at me before he stands up and orders his dumb crew to leave.

I look him right in the eyes.

"I like your eyes..." I mumble without thinking. Shit why did I say that?! I blush slightly.

Overhaul blushes a bit. He takes his mask off and I give him a little smile While fidgeting with my fingers in my pocket.

"Oh you do? Why don't you take a better look then?" Overhaul said as he takes a few steps closer.

I stand up and get close to him. And before I could do anything he gently pressed his lips to mine.

My eyes widen as I didn't expect the kiss but I still kiss back. I hold the back of his head with both my hands and obviously with gloves on.

He grabs my waist gently as the kiss ends. We look at eachother for a second.

Then he kisses me again. This time he licks my lips, asking for an entrance. I open my mouth slightly and he forces his tongue inside my mouth. I let out a small moan in his mouth. We continue to make out for the rest of the night as we eventually fall asleep.

From villain to hero back to a villain. (Erasermicdust mha fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now