Chapter 3

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I wake up on the couch and I see overhaul on the floor, already awake. I rub my eyes and look at him. I clear my throat and speak.

"actually overwhore, eh?" I say jokingly.

He also chuckles a bit and says: "maybe a bit. But only for you. I promise. Also, call me Kai. Kai chisaki." (LIARRRR)

"Aight. Imma head back to the rest. They must be worried" I say as I secretly grab Kai's shirt. Why not prank him? I ask myself.

"Alright" Kai says as he stands up.

I sit up, wait a few moments, shake my head and then I stand up. I grab my family's hands and put them in my pocket.

I kiss him quickly and walk towards the door. "Bye bye overwhoreee" I say as I open the door and put father on my face.

The moment I step outside I laugh out loud when I look at the shirt in my hand. He didn't even notice! I just stole his shirt! I hear him shout at me in the distance "tomura!!". I start to run to the hideout while laughing.

I open the door and close it behind me, still laughing and out of breath. Everyone looks at me.

Kurogiri asks me in a voice filled with concern: "shigaraki! Where have you been? What happened? We were all worried sick!"

"Ah, funny story. Well I-" I got cut off by toga.

"tomura you're blushing!! Who's the lucky guy?" Toga said as she jumps with excitement.

"Guy...? how did you know it was a guy?" I ask with a confusion written over my face.

Dabi spoke out as he was smoking while leaning against the wall. "It's pretty obvious." He smirks mischievously.

Toga giggled like a four year old. "Who is it!? Is it... overhaul?!"

"Whatttt?? Nooo.... Yes." I admit as I stare at the ceiling.

Spinner's eyes immediately fill with anger. Damn he gets mad quickly. "but this guy killed magne!" He shouts with anger.

"Maybe I can persuade him to bring her back" I say with a reassuring smile.

Then Kai ran in with a with his blouse open and no shirt underneath. "tomura. Give it back" he said breathlessly from running.

"Sharing is caring, overwhore!" I say as I laugh and the league starts laughing with me, even spinner chuckled slightly.

Kai face palms as the other look at him with amusement.

"If you want it back, catch me" I say in amusement too as I run up to the roof.

Kai followed because I could hear footsteps behind me.

I run to the edge as I see Kai stand in front of me. "Ha, dead end now give it back" he says with sarcasm.

I smile as an idea pops up in my head. Suddenly, without warning I let myself fall backwards as Kai looks over the edge in shock.

I grab the edge of the roof and swing myself through the window inside a room upstairs. (Notice how overhoe didn't try to save him?)

I do a flip and end up with my back towards the window I just came through. That'll shock him.

I turn around and look at the window while laughing at myself. The glass in my body stings but it's worth it.

Then I suddenly feel someone Hugging me from behind.


Kai grabs his shirt and puts it on as I frown and face him.

From villain to hero back to a villain. (Erasermicdust mha fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now