Chapter 1

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I watch the tv while sitting on a barstool. Kurogiri is behind the counter as I listen to the stupid "hero" news. The rest of the league was doing their own thing. I have my elbows on the counter and my hands are supporting my head. My head feels heavy because of the stress as kurogiri puts a glass of water in front of me.

He smiles nicely at me but I just scratch my neck in annoyance and put both my hands on the bar, pinkies raised.

I look down at the ground, not in the mood to face anyone. I'm in so much stress at the moment I scratch my neck again.

I try to calm myself down but I fail. With my hand scratching even harder than before now I feel some thick liquid on my hand.

I stop scratching for a moment and look at my hand. I have done it again.

I scratched too hard and now I'm bleeding again. As if I wasn't stressed enough about magne dying and me having to team up with that bitch overhoe!

I look at my hand. I rub my sore neck and can't help but scratch again. Luckily no one saw me bleeding. Or so I thought.

I look up to see the whole league staring at me with concern. I ask them: "what's wrong?", completely Ignoring the fact I am bleeding a lot.

Everyone was worried. Toga said to me sadly, too young to understand what I had done: "Shig... your arm..."

Then I realize the blood wasn't from my neck but from my arms, the cuts I made earlier in a panic attack. I roll my eyes carelessly.

Dabi immediately asks me: "what did you do?! Did you cut yourself?".

I reply calmly: "Yeah, I did." As I stand up with one hand still on the bar.

Kurogiri wants to grab my arm but I pull away immediately. "I'm fine. Just another panic attack".

Dabi yells at kurogiri. I don't know why but it angered me. He yelled: "don't touch him you brainwashed cloud corpse!"

"Hey! He didn't do anything wrong, did he?!" I say, already in anger.

I hold my arm tightly, trying to suppress the pain as dabi yells: "you're never going to do that again!" To me as if he was MY boss.

That's when I snapped.

I immediately grab the glass of water with my pinky raised and throw it towards dabi. "Don't order me around! I'm your boss, your not mine!" I say in anger before realizing what I had done.

I was shocked at my own actions. Me.? Throwing a glass to dabi.? One of my bestest friends?... "I'd never do that... what's wrong with me..." I mumble to myself in shock.

My vision gets blurry as I look at my hands. My breathing speeds up as I tremble uncontrollably at my own actions.

Luckily kurogiri managed to teleport the glass away with his mist portal thing. Unlike me... he helped dabi even after dabi yelled at him....

I run to my room in guilt and lock the door before anyone could say anything. "What have I done?..." I say, voice shaking while I was looking at the door with both my hands on the door, pinkies raised.

My vision was blurry.... I was very nauseous...Nauseous and disgusted. I felt like I was about to throw up and I run to the bathroom but it's too late. I throw up on the ground.

I fall to my knees and squint my eyes trying not to cry.

I was about to have another panic attack. I was breathing fast and start to hyperventilate

Then I feel something on my face... it made me feel calm and...relieved...

I open my eyes and look up to see kurogiri who had just placed my fathers hand on my face.

"Kurogiri..." I mumble softly as I look at the ground and hold father. "Thanks..."

"No problem, tomura." he says as he helps me stands up.

He pulls me in a hug. A long, comfortable hug. It felt nice and comfortable, as if he was human.

But then I remembered he was brainwashed. I pull away. He didn't want to help me. He was just ordered to do so. I feel my heart break.

I speak out again, feeling the tears sting in my eyes. "Do you mind-" Before I could finish my sentence kurogiri interrupted me.

"I broke free from the brainwashing, tomura." He said as if it was the most normal thing on earth.

I look at him in shock. My mind filling with thoughts, questions and emotions. I take a few steps back, not knowing what he was going to do. My eyes widen and my jaw drops slightly.

"For how long? How? Why? When? Do you still care about me? us? Do you want to be a hero with eraserhead and present mic? Do you hate me now?" I ask, overthinking everything.

Kurogiri put his hand on my shoulder comfortingly, calming me down slightly. "No shigaraki. I'm staying with you. Just know that maybe I'll be a bit different. But I still think hero society is sick."

I feel relieved and sigh in relief. "Does this mean you actually care about me?..." I dare to ask.

"Yeah. I do. You're like a son to me." He said, smiling a bit.

I was quiet and shocked. I didn't know what to say. Maybe a joke will make it a bit more comfortable? It's worth a shot.

"So I can call you daddy now?" I say, amused by my own joke with a smirk.

Kurogiri or shirakumo or something also laughed a bit. "Let's go back" he says, turning around to leave.

Before he could leave, I hug him. He felt like a father figure to me. He always did. Brainwashed cloud corpse or not. He still was and always will be my friend.

He hugs back and decides to make a joke to. It lightens the tension a lot. "Why don't you sleep? It's past your bedtime!" He says chuckling and points to the clock.

"Okay sorry daddy" I say in a childish voice and we both start laughing. I walk to the bathroom and splash some water on my face.

When I come back the place where I just threw up is cleaned already. Kurogiri offers me a light smile and a reassuring nod and walks back to the others, leaving the door unlocked.

I close the door, not locking it this time and I change clothes.

I lay down in bed when I see a package next to my bed. I lean over the edge of the bed and grab it.

I sit on the bed and I open the package and see some weird gloves inside. I saw a letter too. I grabbed the letter and read it.
The letter said:

"I see you found my package. These gloves are for your quirk. If you put them on you won't decay anything because some fingers are covered, not all. It was in a shop. It was probably made for other people with five finger quirks. Also, check in your closet. There is another surprise. From your friend dabi"

I immediately felt guilty again for what I've done. Knowing I didn't do it on purpose, but still. As dabi said, the past never dies...

I put the gloves on and stand up. The first thing I did is walk to one of the many eraserhead and present mic posters I had in my and touch them with a full hand.

Dabi was right. It didn't decay. I was very happy and excited about it. I look at my hands and I jump in the air of excitement.

My stupid quirk didn't work with these things!

I walk to my closet and open it. I see another package. I grab a knife and the package. I gently open it.

There was a present mic figure and an eraserhead figure.

That bastard. I chuckle at the thought that dabi knows how much I like those two heroes.

At least they know what the world actually is like. They went through a lot. They were the best duo. I always wanted to be a hero with them but yeah... guess that stays a dream.

I grab the figures and walk back to my bed. I put them on my nightstand and lay down. I mumble something and fall asleep tiredly.

From villain to hero back to a villain. (Erasermicdust mha fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now