Budo x Delinquent! reader

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So to start off Budo and the reader were really close friends in middle school and the first two years of high school. The reader was also good friends with the delinquents before they were delinquents. After they officially became the delinquents Budo started hating Y/N and the delinquents. But he secretly developed a crush on the delinquents temporary leader. This takes place on week 1 on Friday.


I walked with the delinquents throughout the school. As we reached the 2nd floor and walked by the martial arts Club, I felt a strong aura as if someone was watching me. I look inside the window and they all look back at each other quickly and start whispering while pointing at us. As a delinquent, this shouldn't hurt me... But something about seeing the boy I like whispering about me hurt. Budo Masuta, the martial arts master, the boy I like, my middle school best friend... Now my "enemy". It hurt me. But of course, as a delinquent, I couldn't show what hurt me. Or else.. Or else Musume and her little gang could make people do drastic things to me.


Budo's POV

Y/N and their delinquents walked by. We all stopped and looked. They looked in the window and we all turned and and starting talking about how scary they were hoping they won't see us. I blushed at the sight of the leader. They used to be my best friend. What happened? It doesn't matter anymore. She probably hates me. My eyes started to water as I looked down. I excused myself from the club for a few minutes as I ran to the bathroom. When I got into the restroom I look in the mirror. A few minutes later I felt I was ready to go back and walked to my club.



I walked the boys to their class and told them I was going to my class which was 3-2. Same as Budo... I decided to skip that class today.

As I walked to school once again, I walked to the rooftop for lunch still thinking of Budo. I totally fucked up.. He so hates me now. I let out a small giggle. I stopped when I remembered that we don't eat on the rooftop and walked all the way back down and ran into.. Ayano Aishi? I looked up at her and she spoke to me.

"Hey! I was looking for you! I saw someone leave a note in your locker." She said rather enthusiastically.

I didn't know what to say so all I managed to let out was

"Really? That's weird.. I guess I'll go take a look. " I replied blankly.

I walked down one more floor and headed for my locker. I opened it to see pictures I taped in at the beginning of the year.. Me and the delinquents before we were "the delinquents". I felt a frown creep up on my face. I dug in the hell of a mess to find the note Ayano was talking about. Once I found it, I picked it up. It read " I want to speak with you about your friends. Please meet me at the cherry tree at 5:00pm. I hope you'll be there." I froze. A confession?

"Pfft!! Hahahaha!!!"

I bursted out into basically maniacal laughter getting weird stares.

"As if anyone would like me!!! "

I clear my throat. I decided I want to show up. I walked to the delinquent area and ate lunch with them. I held out the note and just handed it to Umeji.

They all laughed.

What did I expect?

"Ooooo someone's got an admirer!!" Umeji said in a teasing tone.

I just.. Stood up and started at the laughing boys with a sad look. I just walked back to class as lunch was about to end. I got to my class thinking I was the first one there until I saw Musume.

"Oh no! Here comes the big bad delinquent! Haha! Where's your martial arts boyfriend huh?! Haha!!" Ronshaku spat in my face.

I stood up and pulled out my weapon. The teacher walked in.

"Please put that down, L/N." She calmly said. I put it away. I sat back down and fell asleep all through class. I woke up and it was cleaning time so I gathered my boys and went near the incinerator.

The time had reached 5:00pm.   You were a sweating, nervous mess. I said goodbye to the delinquents and headed to the cherry tree.

He was there before me.  I saw him standing there. He saw me. I walked up to him. We stood, staring at each other for a moment. He finally opened his mouth to speak words I thought I'd never hear him say.

"I, Budo Masuta, the martial arts master am ashamed to admit I have fallen for you, a delinquent, but not any delinquent. The leader. I truly am in love with you and wish for you to be my lover."  Budo said softly with a red, disappointed face. Tears were forming in his dry eyes.

It was silent for a minute or two with only the sounds of the wind blowing the leaves and grass around. I finally decided to give my response.

"Budo Masuta.., I'm sorry but I cannot accept your confession. The delinquents aren't bad people. They were bullied into being tough. Maybe talk to them and get to know them first. Then maybe, just maybe, I'll give you a chance. "  I briefly said before walking away, leaving Budo at the tree.


Budo's POV

I finally managed to tell them how I feel. And they just walked away. I clutched my fists and let my tears flow freely. That was the first time I ever truly felt heart broken.. And by a delinquent? Heh. I really am pathetic. I let out a chuckle of sadness and walked away from the cherry tree.

                   THE END.

Yippee that was my first one shot ever I hope you liked I wrote it in math class. 😘

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