Kizana Sunobu X F! reader

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I was walking with my friend in the drama club instead of walking with my own club, the gardening club. Everyone seemed a little excited then usual..I wondered what was happening. Then I saw it for myself. Kizana Sunobu. Talking to..Taro Yamada? I was confused on why someone as amazing as her would be talking to boring as Taro. I stopped and so did Tokuko, who I was walking with. I stared for a while till they were done talking. Tokuko noticed and pointed it out.

“OH EM GEE!! You have a crush on Kizana!!” She shouted out.

“Sh Sh Sh!!” I quieted her and looked around, thankfully no one heard. I hope..

I nodded and stayed quiet with my face bright red. We silently walked to class. Well..I silently walked. Tokuko was sequeling the whole way. 

I walked over to the garden and after some time of planting flowers, the club started to walk to the Gym. 

“Hey, what’s going on? Why are we all going to the gym?” I asked my leader.

“Now that Kizana is back, the drama club is showing rehearsals!” She replied. I flushed bright red. The drama club was great and all, like amazingly great..But Kizana? She’s literally the best. I walked over anxiously. I got to the gym and saw her on stage looking beautiful. She waved and blew a kiss at me then proceeded to wink. I waved back and felt like I was going to faint. I walked out quickly to get fresh air. Oh my god my crush on this amazing girl was HUGE.

Once I got out I saw the martial arts club on a picnic blanket with food and drinks. 

“Hey, guys! M-mind if I join you guys for food and stuff. I dont know where my club is hehe..” I chuckled and scratched the back of my head.

“Well obviously!! Come! Sit down!” Said one of my best friends, Budo Masuta. Me and the martial arts club have soft spots for each other. I sat down and told them about Kizana. They all laughed and hugged me and said that was cute. The practice show was about to start so we all walked inside. 

I watched in awe as she pranced around stage being Juliet. She was only the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. To everyone else she acted snobby, stuckup, and selfcentered. But to me..she was only the kindest, selfless, and conciderent person ever. I wonder why..

I plan to tell her on Friday how much I love her. 

It was now Friday.. Days and days and days of admiring her from afar went on. But as she was talking to Taro I put a note in her locker saying to meet her after school at the cherry tree. 

"So, what did you do there?" My green haired friend had asked from behind. 

"AHHH!! JESUS CHRIST MIDORI YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!! " I screamed at Midori, attracting other students' attention. 

"Oops hehe! Sorry!!" She apologized. 

"Yeah yeah it's fine.. It's just.. Yknow Kizana? I'm gonna confess to her after school.. " after I said that.. Midori.. Smiled and giggled? "Okay you go girl!! " 

We spent the next hour talking about my confession. The day went on as a normal school day would. 

5:30pm the clock read. 

I was waiting at the cherry tree. 10 minutes passed and I started to worry. What if she threw the note out? What if-. I was cut off by Kizana running to the tree. As she got up she spoke to me as I froze up. 

"Oh, it's you, dear! What did you need?" She asked with confidence. 

"Oh well.. I'm just gonna get straight to the point." I paused for a moment before continuing. "I really love you, Kizana! I have always since I met you! I would love it if we could go out sometime!!" I sputtered out all at once. 

The purple haired girl froze. She turned red and looked away. 

"Are you sure you feel this way? " ashamed, I nodded. "Very well then. I love you too. 

Yes it is true. I can no longer deny my feelings for you. I love you, Y/N." Kizana said as if it was nothing. 

I looked at her. Tears in my eyes. "R-really?" Was I.. Dreaming? 

"Of course. Who wouldn't love a gem like you? If God offered me immortality, I would simply refuse. For a life without you, is a life not worth living." After saying that, I had no clue what to say. We shared a soft kiss under the cherry tree. I couldn't believe it. I was with my dream girl. 

               THE END

Sorry this is so half assed I've been hella busy

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