three: And when I look in my window

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In the morning Scott was dragging Carmen back to Beacon Hills

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In the morning Scott was dragging Carmen back to Beacon Hills.

"I'm not gonna die you know?" Carmen whispered softly, Scott almost didn't hear her if it wasn't for his supernatural hearing. "I won't let you," Scott mumbled. It was silent after that.

"Can I play my music please?" Carmen pleaded she couldn't listen to that stupid documentary her dad had on. "Go for it" Scott shrugged Carmen scrolled through her playlist before finding the perfect song West Coast Lana Del Rey "Seriously? i've heard this song too much" Scott complained "No such thing as too much Lana" Carmen laughed as she sang loudly.

"Auntie Lyds!" Carmen exclaimed, jumping out of the truck "Carms!" Lydia laughed, meeting the girl for a hug. "Hey, thanks for coming so fast." Scott said, hugging Lydia "yeah" she hugged him back "Hey. Do you really think all this is true? Allison being stuck, unable to cross over?" Lydia asked "I don't know. But if being here and doing this thing actually helps her, and no one else gets hurt, I'm up for trying." Scott looked away sadly. As Lydia laced her hand with Carmen's.

"OK. Then let's try. We need a handful of earth from the ground where Allison died." Lydia told him, unlacing her hand with Carmen's who immediately put her shaking hand in her pocket.

"Okay" Scott tried to smile. "What's next?" Scott asked after punching a hole in the ground to pick up the dirt.

"Can I drive with Aunt Lyds?" Carmen asked her dad "Ya go ahead" Scott nodded "I-I can stay with you... if you want?" Carmen winced at how awkward she sounded. "I'm okay. Go with Lydia" Scott reassured her.

"Anybody mind if we close this thing?" Lydia gestured to the sword that killed Allison, "Yeah" Chris closed it "Carmen why don't you go look around town?" Scott suggested "Ya sure" Carmen shrugged.

Now walking around town, Carmen was trying to figure out what was wrong with her hands, Everytime she used her powers her finger tips would turn black as well as the veins in her arms.

"Woah!" A voice shouted as they bumped into her "Oh sorry" The boy apologised, reaching out and grabbing Carmen's waist to steady her.

"You" the two spat in unison as Carmen swatted his hands away "why are you here?" Carmen questioned "I live here. what are you doing here" Eli raised a brow. "Nothing that concerns you" Carmen hissed. "I ugh... well it concerns me" Eli ran a hand through his hair "How's that?" Carmen hummed "It does okay!" Eli exclaimed.

"Did you run away?" Eli asked Carmen paused, before answering "Ya.. but please don't tell anyone" She pleaded and just for good measure her eyes started watering up. "Oh shit! okay I won't tell anyone! Just don't cry, Please?" Eli winced "Thanks" . The word hurt Carmen to say to him.

"I'll see you around" Eli smiled shyly "yeah" Carmen nodded before walking towards Chris's house.

"Truck time" Scott smiled, watching his daughter walk towards him "yay" Carmen sarcastically cheered.

"Mals!" Carmen exclaimed rushing towards the were-coyote "Hey Cami! Holy Shit you're so much older now" Malia smiled patting her on the back. Lydia came barreling towards them "Oh! I missed you!" she exclaimed, hugging the brunette "I missed you too." Malia hugged her back "No, you didn't." Lydia laughed "OK. I wanted to." Malia smiled, "Well, that I can believe." Lydia hugged her once more before stepping away.

"Hi" Scott smiled "Hi" Malia awkwardly rocked on her heels "It's good to see you." Scott hugged the brunette "It's kind of awkward to see you." Malia bluntly responded, not hugging him back. As Carmen laughed at her dad.

"Okay! OK! Let's go find a tree in the woods. Come on." Lydia impatiently ushered the group towards the trail.

"Ah! It's this way." Malia stood walking in one direction "It's this way." she turned around "My feet hurt" Carmen whined before bumping into Malia "What is it?" Carmen asked "Someone's following us." She said before whirling around "They've been following us pretty much the whole time." Scott said walking around them "What?! Who?" Carmen said, hiding behind Lydia who was hiding behind Malia.

" Here, come here!" Scott exclaimed, reaching behind the tree and pulling out Eli "Seriously!" Carmen cried "Wait, wait, I wasn't doing anything!" Eli explained "it's just Eli" Carmen grumbled. "Wow, you've gotten really big." Scott smiled "Yeah, It's probably because I was only eight the last time you saw me." Eli shrugged "Wish it was longer" Carmen frowned. "Seriously, you're still mad?" Eli scoffed "you dyed my hair green!" Carmen growled, lunging forwards. Only for Scott to step in front of her.

"I know what you're looking for. The tree, right? That huge stump's that's like 20-feet wide?" Eli explained "We can find it ourselves" Carmen huffed "I sleepwalk. I don't know why. But I've just been doing it for the last few months." Eli sighed "Great story! Can we go?" Carmen exclaimed impatiently.

"I used to wake up in the woods too." Scott smiled sympathetically "After you were bit by Peter, right?" Eli asked "Yeah, your dad tell you a few stories?" Scott asked "Yeah, all of 'em." He replied.

"The Tree?" Carmen reminded "Right! It's not far from here." Eli then led them towards the tree.

"Don't you have something to do?" Malia asked "Yeah. Yeah, I have a lacrosse game to play. Well, more like a lacrosse game to show up to since I, like, I never get to play." Eli huffed "Touching" Carmen wiped a fake tear away "Oh! You want me to leave?" Eli asked "Wow he does have a brain!?" Carmen laughed "you're going with him" Scott told her "No way!" Carmen exclaimed "Yes way" Scott sighed "I'll freeze him" Carmen threatened "That's fine, go" Scott ushered her away "unbelievable" Carmen scoffed, walking away.

"Hey wait up!" Eli chased behind her, "You won't actually freeze me right?" Eli questioned worriedly. Carmen simply ignored him "Carmen?" Eli asked "Please don't freeze me" He pleaded "I'm not actually gonna freeze you relax Eli" she laughed, "Oh! good" Eli sighed.

 Carmen simply ignored him "Carmen?" Eli asked "Please don't freeze me" He pleaded "I'm not actually gonna freeze you relax Eli" she laughed, "Oh! good" Eli sighed

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two chapters in one day? i'm on a roll.

what'd y'all think of this chapter?
-rose ✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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