Episode #16: Conjectures and Refutations

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Julie was at the door of her office smiling as she watched him stroll down the empty hallway. It was Saturday so the building was virtually vacant with whatever students were still around anywhere, outside enjoying the sun. As usual, Roger walked looking down until he was just about to her door. It was for all the world as though Ray Bonn himself were walking toward her. He looked up and there she was. Beautiful, he thought.


"Hi yourself," she said. "You look thoughtful. What was going through your mind as you meandered down the hall?"

"I was wondering how to deliver a message, not wanting what usually happens to messengers."

"Oh oh... did Lisa decide you shouldn't keep meeting me like this?"

"Not exactly. She welcomed you over any time for us to feel free to work in Eddie's office. And she'd really like it if you and she could be friends."

"I see why you were so somber."

"Yeah, well, if I was, it was because I was worrying about my ability to relay the message rather than in its sincerity. She really is a lovely lady and would really like to be friends."

"Okay. We're all friends," Julie said. "Now shall we get to work?"

"Yeah. But can we work this out first? She knows that what happened was not your fault – that it was just Eddie being Eddie."

"Does she? Does any wife who stays with the man really think it was his fault?"

"She does. Why don't you come over for dinner tomorrow? It would make it a lot easier for me going back and forth between you two. She told me to invite you."

"She really wants me to come to dinner tomorrow? Okay, I'm going to dinner there tomorrow. Now, about gravity. I've read your files and I am impressed. But I've found some concepts that I haven't been able to justify."

"So are you alright with it – going to Lisa's, I mean."

"Yes, yes. That was just three or four months thirty some years ago. If I had handled it better afterward it would have been totally over much sooner.  But I was young. So yes, it's a really good idea to establish some kind of rapport with Lisa, but I don't like the distraction right now that I have you concentrating on gravity."

"I won't lose my concentration, although... I sort of did last night when Lisa was venting about Eddie's behavior over the years. Do you know Maria?"

"Yes, I do. Post doc. A good one – or was – until she became so infatuated with Eddie. Then her work trailed off completely. Lisa knew about her huh?"

"He died in her apartment."

"That bastard!" Julie shook her head. "Okay, I get it; thanks for telling me. Now..." She broke it off, clearly wanting to leave that sordid topic for good.

"So, some of my ideas don't jibe?" he asked with a definitely lighter tone, sensing her eagerness to get off on – he had a momentary flash from Lisa's conversation – 'whatsoever things are lovely, if there be any virtue'. He smiled at what would have to have seemed an 'enigmatic' smile from Julie's perspective. That too made him smile.

No doubt wondering about what he must be thinking, she proceeded. "Well, I don't know. That's what's good about working together; we can run conjectures past each other."

"For refutation."

"Yes, if they are indeed refutable and deserve refuting. That's how science works, isn't it? Not dismissing out of hand, but trying every viable notion."

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