Today, the teacher assistant of the senior project class contacted me via email to let me know who my project supervisor is. And to my great relief, it's Kym L., one of my first theatre professors here at the university and one of my requested teachers. Along with Kym, I had also put down Lisa C. as a preferred advisor as well as Luverne S. So I'm glad that I got one of my three choices.
Now that I know that Kym is my project supervisor, I'll need to set up an appointment to discuss what I need to do to get started on my project. By my calculations, I have less than three months to complete my senior project and I still have no idea where to begin. So the sooner I meet with Kym, the better. I trust her judgement, and I greatly respect her; I'm not going to disappoint her. I'm a little nervous about having a meeting, but I've met with her before, so everything should work out just fine.
While I do want to write my own play for my senior project, that doesn't mean that I won't consider other areas of possibility. I just need to work within the field that I'm focusing on. After all, I couldn't do a lighting or sound design project; that's not my area of expertise and I wouldn't even have the slightest idea of where to start. I need to stick to what I'm good at, which is performance creation.
I remember back at Century College, I wrote a play as a final project for one of my theatre classes, and got really good marks for it too. Perhaps I can create an even better play this time around. While I want it to be modern, I'd also like it to be experimental, to make it mess with the viewer's mind a bit to question just exactly what it is they're watching. I also want to make it about an issue that is plaguing this country; maybe bullying? I was bullied back in middle school, so that seems like a good place to start.
The Senior Capstone Project Journal of Aaron J. Holt
Phi Hư CấuUpon completing his senior year at the University of Minnesota, Aaron J. Holt put his theatrical skills to the test. Tasked with creating his own character development method, Aaron drew from various methods. Then, to prove that it worked, he had to...