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I was afraid of upsetting Lucy, but now I'm the one who's upset. No, I'm not just upset. I'm furious! The way she just turned her back on me and climbed into Max's car making me look like I was a bad guy. I did not deserve that.

She had clearly overreacted!

After Lucy had stormed off, acting like a baby, I drove home as well. Annoyed and frustrated.

Did she not trust me one bit?

But then I realized what it might have looked like. To both Della and Lucy. Maybe taking her to Sweet Tooth was a bad idea with Della there.

I didn't realize how much I wanted it to work out with Lucy until we couldn't. I had wanted this date to go well. I hadn't meant to hurt her feelings. This whole date was just so to make sure I didn't hurt her feelings.

But was she any different from Della, who didn't take my word for it and dumped me over one silly mistake? This wasn't even a mistake; it was just an unfortunate coincidence. I didn't even know Della would be there. She had resigned from the job with me when summer break was over.

Lucy didn't believe me. She took one look at Della then another at me and came to a conclusion that it was all a big plot to use her! How does one come to such conclusions?

The next day, she avoided me.
No surprise there. We have only one class together Tuesday morning and that's Geology. She barely glanced my way. It also helped that our teacher wasn't late and barely gave us a chance to spare a glance anyway. I was definitely not expecting her to talk to me after class so I walked away. The awkwardness only left a bitter taste in my mouth.

I guess she gave up. Apparently, that's what girls do after a minor inconvenience.

She wants to literally ruin our friendship? Fine.

During lunch Kacey hung out with Lucy. I don't even know where they stopped by to have their lunch. Me and Tyler sat at the lunch table by ourselves.

"How long is this going to go on?" Tyler asks. He was clearly not enjoying my brooding and sulking today. And probably wished Kacey was there instead.

I told him what happened at Sweet Tooth. I wasn't planning on it, but Liam had marched in on me while I was at my locker with Tyler and interrogated me, asking what happened the day before with Lucy.

Of course, his friend Max had told him about how he found Lucy and me acting like strangers on the street.

I told him what happened and that it was a misunderstanding.

Liam had left with a mildly threatening glare. "I don't care if you're her friend. Hurt her and you'll get my wrath." He said it with a sarcastic chuckle.

I wanted to say "I wasn't planning to but your sister hurt her own feelings." But I knew it was rather rude and bitter. Even for me. I was annoyed but I didn't hate her.

"What?" I asked. I forgot what Tyler had asked me.

"You know what." He rolled his eyes. "Your thing with Lucy. Why can't you apologize and get along?"

"Apologize for what?" I scoffed. "I'm sorry you overreacted over an unfortunate coincidence?"

"You can't hold that against her. She was probably feeling very vulnerable and therefore defensive after she confessed her feelings for you. What did you do?"

"I returned her feelings and gave her a chance!"

"Did you though?" Tyler said with a mocking chuckle that made me frown. "I'm even confused. I wouldn't blame Lucy. I think she'd prefer it if you had turned her down without giving her so many mixed signals."

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