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School on Friday came with many free periods and a pep rally that dismissed school early to get ahead with our tiebreaking Baseball match against Bradley high. The route to the Baseball pit from the gates across the school grounds were lined with purple Pierson flags and Blue Bradley ones.

Kacey and I wondered about the school courtyard, helping out and then climbed up to sit on the bleachers after helping Chase and the others set up their beverage stalls and wishing Tyler good luck as he left to get changed in the school gym. It was unlikely he'd sit with us for the match but luckily he had a good view of the baseball pit.

"And then we walked back to the car through the lantern lit. It was so beautiful at dusk." I recounted my date to Kacey the day before while we sat in my room. It was all I could talk about yesterday and today as well. Kacey didn't seem to mind. I left out about how we spotted a certain someone unexpectedly. I wondered if I should mention it. Everytime our date came up, it was at the tip of my tongue but I willed myself to hold it back. I believe Chase was right. I told myself it wasn't that big of a deal anyway.

"How come you have very few pictures of your date!" Kacey asked with a laugh, as she scrolled through the pictures. "I'm glad you enjoyed it that much."

I smiled to myself. I really did and I was very grateful for it. Chase was the very delight I always thought he would be. I recall all the gestures, the reassuring words, the jokes, the kisses. He was perfect and I was lucky. Weirdly enough the odds were in my favor and I took a moment to bask in the glow of it.

"So will your mystery boy be coming?" I nudge Kacey playfully.

Kacey narrowed her eyes. Thinning her lips into a flat line," Maybe." She clearly regrets telling me.

I really wished she told me. But Chase's words rang in my mind. Some secrets simply take time to be revealed at the right time and it has nothing to do with trust.

The bleachers slowly started filling in. We'd climb off and walk around visiting Chase but we decided to stay in the bleachers just in case we lost our seats. Kacey and I were both dressed in Purple T shirts and the bleachers behind the baseball pit were filling in with a lot of purples and blues. Tyler's mom, dad and older sister along with her daughter and husband waved to us at a distance. Tyler's niece was the cutest. It was sweet how his sisters family drove all the way from Hudson for his match, Just when I was going to ask Kacey if she'd like to go over to them, I spotted Della walking down the bleacher isle her eyes met mine and I indistinctly almost looked away but I willed myself to invite her over.

"Della! Over here!" I called out to her, gesturing to the empty seats in front of Kacey and I. Della smiled and looked away to wave at someone else. Janice and Maya joined her and the three of them made their way over to the seats.

I was genuinely surprised that she'd sit by us, let alone decide to stay for the baseball match after match. "I'm glad you came."

"It was actually the pep rally that convinced me." Della said a shrug.

"We bought her tickets yesterday so she'd have to come." Maya says, turning around to face us.

"Which one is your cousin?" I asked, recalling Maya mentioning her cousin who was in the team.

"He's Kevin Hann. He's a right fielder. I can't remember what number he's assigned. I'll show you."

I wasn't really interested in his cousin, I was just trying to make conversation.

"Can one of you explain the rules of the game to me? I'm clueless."

"Kacey's best at that." I quickly took the opportunity. Kacey seemed a bit left out with Della here. Even though she didn't seem to mind it, I want her to be part of the conversation. I want us all to be friends. "She played baseball in middle school."

"It's easier to explain when the game's happening, but basically," Kacey began, leaning forward to explain the rules to Della.

I found myself stealing glances at Della, trying to read her expression. She seemed relaxed, chatting easily with Kacey and occasionally chiming in with questions about the game. It was strange to see her here, especially after everything. Her presence is still somewhat surprising but not unwelcome.

The chatter around us grew louder as more spectators filled the bleachers.

I glanced at the field, where players from both teams were buckling their protective gear and warming up. Kacey and I spotted Tyler in the lot with a purple number 17 in large print behind on his white Uniform. I even spotted Jordan on the other side, He stood with his helmet tucked under his arm. I even caught him exchanging a subtle glance with Tyler on the other side but I knew better than to mention any of it.

As the announcer's voice boomed over the speakers, signaling the start of the game, I felt a surge of excitement. As the first pitch was thrown and the crowd erupted into cheers. I glanced at Della who was cheering a long aside with everyone, witch her hands cupped over her mouth. It was as if she was someone new yet so familiar. She was being the old Della. Happy, Carefree and Fun. My Della.

As the innings ticked by, the pressure only intensified on the field. The Bradley pitcher was relentless, firing fastball after fastball, each one seeming to gain speed as it hurtled toward the plate. But our batters refused to back down. Tyler, who was the first baseman, held his position near first base. As the opposing pitcher delivered his lightning-fast pitches, he remained ready to react at a moment's notice.

When the Pierson player batted the ball, it elicited a chorus of whistles, anxious cheers, and hoots from the purple-clad crowd.

Della turned around to glance at both Kacey and I, "That's a home run right?" She asked. Her gesture made me grin not from the anticipation of our school's performance in the match but how Della was getting comfortable with me. I start to believe she has truly forgiven me and has decided to move on. She does care.

"Not until he reaches home plate- WHOA HE DID!!! IT IS A HOMERUN NOW!!!" Kacey cheered beside me.

It was so wholesome to see us all enjoy the sport. To see Della laughing, cheering, and crying with me. We were finally all friends. 

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