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Remus was sitting on the old, dusty bed in the smallest room in number twelve Grimmauld place. Harry had just managed to speak to him and Sirius, through the fireplace, using Floo powder. The glowing green flames had startled them while they sat quietly, eating lunch at the table, but what Harry had asked them only shocked them more.

He had asked about his father, James Potter. The questions had been innocent enough. He wanted to know what he was like, what type of person he'd been. At the time they found it easy to talk but Harry had long since disappeared and the flames were burning orange once more, yet memories did not fade. They continued to race through their minds, taking over their thoughts.

There was a soft knock on the door and a second later Sirius walked into the room.

"You alright, Remus?" He asked quietly, concern written into his features.

"Of course, I was just thinking," Remus replied in a low voice, not sounding sad but certainly not happy either.

Sirius calmly walked over to the bed and sat down beside Lupin, clasping his hands loosely in his lap. Neither of them spoke for a minute or two. They were clearly both thinking about James and Peter. Reminiscing over the adventures in their youth and the mischief they managed.

"Do you remember the first time we all met?" Remus asked, breaking the comfortable silence. Sirius laughed.

"As if I could forget! All of us on that train, none of us knew each other, yet somehow we ended up best friends by the time we reached Hogwarts." Remus smiled at Sirius's words and the tired skin around his eyes crinkled.

"James was already certain that he would be in Gryffindor, remember? He said that he was the bravest boy he'd ever met and he was so sure that we would all be in the same house as him too. 'If you're not then I'll drag you lot into my common room myself!' he shouted, do you remember?" They were both laughing as Sirius nodded, his shaggy dark hair falling over his gaunt face.

"Of course, and that darn map! James would not let the idea go. The Marauders Map! Do you remember how much we pestered you to get it finished? You stayed up late every night working on it while we messed around, in the library, looking up how to become Animagi and crowing those stupid leaves," The grin grew wider as more memories came flooding back to him but when Remus looked up, he saw his friend's eyes were sparkling.

"Do you.. Remember how James used to show off in front of Lily? He'd run around in the common room catching that snitch and twirling that broomstick..."

He stopped speaking and looked down at the floor. Sadness was etched into his pale, heavily lined face.

"And we'd tell him to stop."

They were both silent for a moment, and the happy smiles faltered on their faces.

"I remember how excited we all were when we found out Lily and James were having a child... how we all fought over who would be Godfather, who's name he'd say first. Who would babysit for them and who would keep him occupied in order meetings..." Lupin sighed and looked at him sadly.

"God, I miss them Sirius." He whispered it, and in the dim light Sirius could swear he saw a tear run down Remus's cheek. However, he could have just been hoping he had seen it so that he wouldn't be the only one.

After a few seconds Sirius smiled at Lupin and put his hand on his shoulder, reassuringly. His eyes burning and his lip trembling slightly.

"Me too, Remus my old friend, me too."


Thanks if you read it. Please leave suggestions if you think I should write more like this, I'd love ideas and improvements! :) Many more to come so please read on!!

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