But I Love You (Ron x Hermione)

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"But I love you."

Four words. That's all she'd said to him. She hadn't meant to and she didn't know why she had but she didn't regret it either.

He came back, out of the blue. Sitting in the tent, staring at the dull fabric walls, she was hoping Harry would find something. Praying that they would find more evidence and have somewhere new to go, even an idea of where to head next. Something that would cheer them up and lift the dark mood that had plagued them for the past few weeks. Anything.

And that's when she heard it. Harry's excited voice calling her outside. She'd hastily dropped her books and leapt out of the tent, unsure whether there would be danger or if it was a trick. She knew she didn't have her wand but she didn't care. Nothing really mattered now, after months of endless searching and after... He'd left, she didn't see the point anymore. Most of what they'd done had been in vain and all she had to cling onto now was the faint pinprick of possibility her and Harry would find that information, a new lead, and be led a little further on their seemingly endless quest to destroy The Dark Lord.

She stumbled into the open and ran forwards but when she saw what was outside her heart stopped. Just for a second, but that second was one of the most important she'd ever experienced.

He was there. He'd come back.

She felt a powerful wave of relief and happiness flood over her as she saw his sheepish grin and his flaming ginger hair. She saw his bright eyes and his freckles and she'd never been happier to see him safe. However the happiness soon faded. It was replaced by a surge of burning anger that hit her all at once. No, not anger it was worse than that. It was fully ignited white hot fury. He left, she told herself, No. No he didn't just leave... he left you.

The pain welled up inside of her again as she remembered all of the nights she'd spent in the tent, sobbing quietly and praying that he was safe, praying that he'd come back to them. Come back to her.

Suddenly she couldn't take it anymore and she threw herself at him, shouting and letting him know what he'd done, how much he'd hurt them. How dare he? He left Harry, he left his friend, he left his...

Tears fiercely burned in her eyes but she refused to let them fall. She would not look weak and she would not cry, not yet. Ron had to know she was angry about what he'd done and know how much walking away from her, so easily, had hurt.

"Hermione! Stop!" Harry shouted, frantically trying to stop Hermione yelling and punching Ron anymore than she already was.

"Don't! Get off of me, Harry! Don't act like you're best friends again, you know what he did! He walked away from me, and from you! His... friends!" Ron desperately tried to reason with her, tried to stop the furious girl from pushing him further away. The broken and burnt locket that swung in his hand was suddenly insignificant. It didn't matter the Horcrux was destroyed, Hermione was too angry to notice it. She hadn't even seen Harry holding the sword Gryffindor in his hand.

"Hermione, I'm sorry! I am, I swear! I don't know why I did it, I just had to get away but I regretted it straight away. Please stop! Ouch! Look, I came back and I've looked for you and I've tried an-"

"Don't you see! It's not about that, Ron! How could you leave? How could you just walk away? From Harry? From me?" She stopped and stood still, staring at him, her chest rising and falling heavily. The pain was evident as she shook on the spot, the tears finally beginning to fall.

"I didn't. Look Hermione, I am sorry. So, so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you but the way you and Harry were acting I just thought that I was better off gone! I didn't think you'd care." Her jaw fell open and it was as if he had pulled a gun on her.

"Didn't think I'd care? Didn't think I'd care!"

"Well... no.," he mumbled, biting his lip as he saw her expression change.

"RON! How could you say that! Why would you think..."

"I don't know, okay! I just thought that you didn't care about me and you wouldn't miss me if I went!" He shouted at her, his own eyes beginning to sparkle as his face scrunched up.

"I do care!"

"Well funny way of showing it! Bloody hell Hermione! If I'd have known this is what I was coming back to I wouldn't have come back!" He was regretting his words more and more by the second but he couldn't stop himself. He'd expected some anger, a cold shoulder maybe, but not this. He hadn't realised he'd hurt his friends this much. Hurt Hermione this much.

"Ron... Don't say that..." The tears began to spill down her reddened cheeks once more and Harry watched helplessly as his two best friends tore each other apart.

"Do you want me to leave again? Is that it?"


"Well I should! What's the point?" Ron snatched up his tattered backpack and stormed away, Harry opened his mouth to protest but as he did Hermione screamed to Ron, desperation, pain and hope tainting her voice-

"But I love you!"

It was silent.

Ron stood still and Harry didn't move. Hermione began to sob, standing there, her shoulders quivering as she whimpered.

"What?" Ron whispered. She didn't say it again, just stood with her head bowed to the frosty floor and eyes closed, crying. Why had she said it? Made a fool of herself? He obviously didn't feel the same way.

"Did you... did you really just say that?" He asked her quietly but he knew he'd get no reply. He looked at Harry who stared back with an indecipherable expression on his face. Ron dropped the bag on the floor and ran to her, closing the distance Hermione had put between them pulling her shivering body tightly into his arms.

"Oh, Hermione! I didn't think you felt that way too!" He mumbled. Hermione pulled herself out of his grip.

"Too? You love me too?"

"Of course I do you stupid woman! Wasn't it obvious for all these years? I thought being so clever you'd see right through me!" His ears turned pink as he admitted his feelings and Hermione furiously wiped her eyes and let out a strangled half sob half laugh.

"Really? ...Oh my goodness, I'm sorry I hit you! And that I shouted it's just that I was so-" she was silenced when Ron's chapped lips touched hers in a sweet and loving kiss. Ron held her close as he silently swore he would never leave again.

Harry frowned and glanced around at the trees.

"I meant what I said, Ron."

The bark of the tall bare oaks that surrounded the clearing had suddenly become very interesting....

"I love you too 'Mione,"

And the twigs that littered the floor were just so... Fascinating.

"Oh, Ron, I can't believe everything I just said to you..."

Slowly he shuffled backwards and slid discretely into the tent. This isn't awkward at all, He thought. He loved Hermione like a sister and watching her and Ron, his best friend, declare their undying love for each other and suck each other's faces off was... A little weird to say the least. He shook his head to clear the images from his mind and tried to think of something else.

Suddenly he grinned and chuckled.

Now he knew how Ron felt about him and Ginny.


Felt like writing some Romione :D sorry it's kinda long! Hope you liked and thanks so much for commenting/voting/reading! Still can't believe so many people like it! *shocked face*

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