Harry's Other Son

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Teddy crept downstairs, preparing to fake wanting a glass of water. He'd been in bed thinking and was unable to sleep just like most nights. His usual bright blue hair was currently a sad and dull grey and it darkened as he climbed down each step.

He missed his parents dreadfully. He didn't know how, but he did. They'd died in The Battle of Hogwarts when he was only a few weeks old and it upset him that he couldn't remember anything about his mum or dad. Harry and Ginny told him many stories when he stayed with them, and his Uncle Ron and Auntie Hermione had made sure he knew how much they loved him, but that didn't matter to Teddy. What mattered is that they weren't there now and he didn't have a mum and dad.

He knew he'd be in trouble for being awake so late after he and the other younger children, Albus and James, had been put to bed but he hoped that Harry and Ginny would see his flat grey hair and understand.

Halfway down the stairs, Teddy stopped as he heard Ginny talking quietly. "Remind me, why did you get to the name the kids?"

"Because you would have given them terrible names!" He laughed as he spoke and Teddy held back a giggle.

"Would not!"

"Would too, you named Ron's owl Pigwidgeon!" Teddy moved down a few more steps, silently, so he could hear them talking better.

"Yeah, when I was eleven."

"Doesn't matter!"

"Oi! Don't 'doesn't matter' me, Potter!" Ginny taunted.

"You are a Potter, you married me,"

"Unfortunately." Teddy heard them both laughing and heard what he assumed were kisses. Eww, gross, he thought and was about to run upstairs when he heard Ginny ask Harry another question, her tone more serious this time. "Harry, why did you name Albus after Dumbledore and Snape?" Harry was quiet for a moment before he answered.

"You already know Ginny, Dumbledore is quite obvious and Snape... well, he sacrificed a lot for me, and for my mother, and then for all of those years I was rude to him and hated him. I feel like I owe it to him. Plus, my dad was a bit of a jerk when he was younger and bullied him, so I'm saying thanks... in a way, by naming Albus after one of the bravest men I ever knew," Harry sighed.

"Why not anyone else though? You knew other brave people who sacrificed their lives for you."

"Yeah, I know. But I couldn't give our son ten middle names! I thought about your father's name, Arthur, though."

"Because of how much he liked you?" Ginny said, and Teddy knew there was a grin on her face, despite not being able to see her.

"No, because I like the name Arthur," he joked. "No, but I also thought of Fred and a few other people." Ginny sniffed slightly at the mention of her dead brother. Teddy felt sad as he though of Fred, he didn't get a chance to know him but he knew his twin George and liked him and he thought that was close enough. Harry comforted her and there was a short silence before Ginny quietly asked,

"Why not Remus?"


"Remus Lupin. He was like a father to you when you had no one else." Harry laughed and Ginny asked him why.

"Well, why would I name Albus after Remus when we already have a son named after him?" Teddy's mouth fell open. Had he heard correctly? Harry thought of him like his own son?

"That is so sweet, but I suppose you're right. I think of Teddy like a son too, I know we're only Godparents but we might as well be his mum and dad." Teddy couldn't describe how he felt, he loved his real parents more than anything but to think that these people, who didn't have any responsibility or duty to take their old friend's child in, thought of him as their own son made him happier than anything else he could remember.

His heart raced and he felt happy tears trickle down his little cheeks. Quickly, he wiped them away on the sleeve of his too long dressing gown. Already have a son named after him...

He stood and turned to go back to his bed, having forgotten about the water he'd wanted, when he saw Harry come out of the living room. "Teddy? What's wrong, why are you up? Are you crying?" Harry quickly asked him all the questions but Teddy had no answers, just tears and a toothy grin. Harry walked over and pulled him into a tight hug. Teddy held onto him like he was the only thing he had left.

"What's wrong, Ted?" Harry asked again tenderly.

"Y-You love me like a s-son," Teddy whimpered.

"What? You were listening... Oh Ted, of course I do! Me and Ginny both do! I love you just like one of my own, like James and Albus. Your mother and father made me your Godfather on the day you were born and I promised I'd look after you. And I know they'd want Ginny to be Godmother, Remus and Tonks will always be your true parents but for now we will always treat you like you're ours because that's what they wanted." His eyes were sparkling as he spoke to the watery eyed boy curled up in his arms.

"My mummy and daddy still love me don't they?" He asked quietly. Harry bit his lip and let out a shaky breath.

"They always have and they always will. Nothing will change that, and they would be so proud of you, Ted. Just like I am." Teddy laughed and Harry wiped his tears for him before ruffling his now electric blue hair.

"Harry?" Ginny called.

"Yeah, I'm fine Ginny! Just talking to Teddy, I'll be back in a minute!" Ginny popped her head around the door and winked.

"Okay, night Ted."

"Night Ginny!" He replied.

"Shall I take you back up to bed? Read you a story?" Harry asked. Teddy shook his head.

"No, tell me the story of how my mum and dad met again... when they met in the or-orda?"

"Order of the Phoenix?"

"Yeah! That!" Teddy beamed.

"Come on then, son, let me tell you the story of the brave Werewolf who fell in love with the valiantly brave Nymphadora, but don't let her hear you call her that or she'll rip your head off."

"Really!" Teddy cried, threads of bubblegum pink weaving their way into his hair.

"Oh yeah, threatened your dad with it many times!" Teddy giggled as Harry swept him up into his arms and carried him back up the stairs. Harry and Ginny might not be his true parents and that was okay, Teddy thought, he loved his mum and dad but he knew that they wanted him to have Harry and Ginny as his Godparents. As his other parents, in a way. They'd made Harry Godfather, after all.

He grinned as he listened to Harry's story and felt his bright hair fade to a light brown, bubblegum pink streaks mixing with the little electric blue still left peeking through.


Because who doesn't love Teddy :D idek why I wrote this but I did so here ya go people! Not sure which kids would be alive because I don't know how old they are compared to Ted so I didn't mention Lily their youngest kid...

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