Tell Me I'm Not Dreaming

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The pink haired lady smiled at him, tears falling from her eyes. The tall man next to her sniffed as he ran a hand through his greying hair. "Hello, son," he whispered.
"It's our little boy," Tonks whimpered and more tears streamed down her face.
"Tell me I'm not dreaming, is it you? Really you?" Teddy's voice came out more shakily than he'd expected and he wiped his eyes furiously, determined to see his parents for as long as he could without tears blurring his vision.
They nodded and, despite being right in front of him, Tonks waved at her child.
"Wotcher, Ted," she said with a small laugh.
"Mum... I don't know what to say, I've always wondered what I'd tell you, planned what I would ask if I had the chance but now I... I haven't got a clue." Remus chuckled, and blinked to clear his tears. He looked at Teddy with a wide smile as he spoke,
"You're more like your mother than I thought then." They laughed but his face quickly fell. Suddenly, he remembered the risk he'd taken by having a child and the fear showed on his scarred face as he opened his mouth. "Teddy, are you-"

"No, Dad, I'm not." Remus closed his eyes and sighed, relief flooding over his face as he nodded. "But I am a Metamorphmagus!" Teddy grinned at his mum and transformed his electric blue hair to a lime green and then jet black before settling on a soft shade of light brown, the same as Remus's. Flecks of bubblegum pink replacing the areas, where in his father's hair, grey would have been.
"Oh Ted, I'm so proud of you, we both are!" Tonks sobbed, clutching onto Remus's arm.
"Not as proud as I am of you," he mumbled, wiping his eyes again. "They honoured you y'know, dad. You got the Order of Merlin, first class, which is not too shabby for a Werewolf," he said with a watery grin. "They put you both on the chocolate frog cards too!" Remus and Tonks chuckled. "I have loads of you two, you're always my favourite, doesn't matter how many times I get you."
"Should think so!" His dad exclaimed with a wink. Tonks nudged him gently and turned back to her son.

"Does Harry look after you well?" She asked, her face full of sudden concern.
"Yes, he looks after me as if I am one of his own. Bought my stuff when we first went to Hogwarts, always get Christmas and Birthday presents, Harry and Ginny are like a second pair of parents." He sighed as he remembered how his Godfather had taken him in and helped raise him, alongside Tonks's mother; Andromeda.

"I knew we could count on Harry," Remus told Tonks but his head snapped around quickly, shock contorting his face. "Wait, did you say Ginny? Harry married her?"

"Yes, they've got three kids now! Just had a little girl and... well, they've got me too, so four kids in a way. Also Ron and Hermione got married and they have two kids." Remus and Tonks laughed and argued over who told the other it would happen. Teddy bit his lip, so happy to have a chance to talk with them. He had dreamt about seeing them since he was a child; they were snatched away from him so cruelly and even though it was for good purposes, he couldn't help feeling cheated that he never got to meet his mum and dad. Apart from the couple of weeks he spent with them when he was born.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" His dad teased and Teddy flushed pink and ran his hands through his hair.

"Uh... yeah... It's Bill and Fleur's daughter, Victoire Weasley." He avoided their eyes and Tonks giggled at his embarassment. Laughing, they teased him but soon stopped when they noticed the sad expression on Teddy's face.

"I think I have to go now, mum, dad." He said quietly and his parents nodded, but the pain clearly showed on their faces. Teddy may have waited his whole life to see his parents but his parents had waited all that time to see their son, they had missed the chance to see him grow up when they sacrificed themselves.

"Come here!" Tonks whimpered. She pulled Teddy into her arms and clutched him tight to his chest. He was almost grown up and much taller than her. The hug was an awkaward fit but it was the most important hug of his life and he clung to her as if he was a young child. Remus joined and held them both in his arms. They stood their, as a family, for the first time, since Teddy was born and for the last time. Teddy blinked back more tears and Tonks wiped her eyes, stumbling as the hug broke apart. Remus grabbed her arm to save her from falling, and shook his head.

"Hopefully you didn't inherit your mum's gene for clumsiness!" Teddy laughed, hiding his sadness as Tonks leant forward and pressed a light kiss on his forehead. There was a moment of silence before they all took a deep, shaky breath.

"I love you both." He whispered, fighting as hard as he could not to cry anymore.

"We love you too, so, so much. Stay brave... son." Remus's voice broke and Tonks nodded and waved at Teddy, unable to speak anymore and then everything went black. He was one second away from screaming out 'Mum! Dad!' but then he remembered. He felt the hot tears spillng down his cheeks as his eyes adjusted and he saw his room, illuminated by the faint silver light of the full moon.

It had been a dream.

He put his hands on his face and sighed, letting the tears fall. He had not met his parents, he had been dreaming and he felt stupid. It had felt so real!  It was like he had forgotten they were gone. But had he really thought he'd been given the opportuinuty to see his dead mum and dad?

No. The world isn't that kind and he knew it.

Sighing and sniffing he threw his legs off of the bed and when he felt his wand he waved it. On the other side of the room the lamp lit up. As he searched for one of his chocolate frog cards, he caught a brief glimpse of himself in the mirror and had to look again.  He didn't know what to think or feel when he saw it. Tears burned at his eyes but this time he let them fall without worrying and feeling childish, he didn't care and no one was there to see it anyway.

He looked into the glass and saw his reflection. His mother's upturned nose and his father's hazel eyes were still there, so his features were unchanged, but his usual electric blue hair was gone. His hair was a soft shade of light brown, the same as Remus's. Flecks of bubblegum pink replacing the areas, where in his father's hair, grey would have been. 


Thanks for reading :) And thank you for getting me over 400 votes!! I <3 you all

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