Avada Kedavra (Lily x James)

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The television buzzed loudly in Godric's Hollow, as a Halloween kids show flickered and flashed on the large screen. James Potter was staring at it, his eyes wide, and the lights reflecting on his glasses. Harry was happily sitting on his knee and tugging at his father's messy black hair playfully; James did not seem to notice. "Lily!" He shouted excitedly, not taking his eyes away from the screen. "Lily, this muggle Teloviser is brilliant! How do they do it? Come here and watch!"

Lily walked into the room, her flaming auburn hair wrapped into a loose bun and a grubby apron tied around her neck. She placed her hands on her hips and frowned. "First of all, James, it's a television and second of all it may have escaped your notice but I was actually raised by muggles! I'm the one who bought this because I knew what it was, so I don't feel the need to come and stare at it for six hours straight," she paused to glance at the program. "Besides I've already seen that. It's Halloween and they put all that stuff on so I watched it with Harry earlier." James's brow furrowed but he did not look away, he just wiggled his head a bit to entertain the little green eyed boy who giggled with excitement on his lap, oblivious to the colourful images that had enchanted his father.

Exhausted, Lily pulled off the apron, threw it onto the sofa and sat down next to James. "I thought you were cooking?" He asked.

"Well, I am but I don't need to stand and stare at the oven for ten minutes. So I came in here." Trying to sound angry proved difficult and her smile quickly gave her away. James peeled his gaze from the TV and winked at her.

"Alright, Mrs potter," he joked as he leant over and quickly stole a kiss. Lily's cheeks flushed but she stared at the screen to avoid James's smug grin. He'd been saying that at every chance he got, since they'd been married.

"Hate you," she muttered, but James knew exactly what that meant.

"Love you," he replied.

A moment later she sighed and made a fuss over the gurgling Harry, who was clapping his hands and poking James. It was moments like this that the couple really loved. The moments where all troubles were forgotten and they just felt like... well, they felt like a family.

The oven pinged and Lily grabbed her apron and left James with Harry curled on his lap. After a few minutes the little boy pointed to something out of the window, tapping his father's head.

"Dadda! Dadda!" He shouted.

"Kiddo, it's just trick or treaters, we're not doing that this year," he gently pushed the tiny hand away from his face and ruffled his hair affectionately and pulled him tighter into his arms.

"Dadda!" He shouted again, more insistent. James glanced up and what he saw made his blood run cold. Time stopped for a second as his heart threw itself into his throat. He was going to scream. No, vomit. That was it. He felt completely sick as adrenaline coursed through his veins like fire. He stood with Harry in his arms not knowing what to do, or what he was about to do, as he saw the dark cloaked figure approach the crooked garden path in a swirl of black robes.

"Lily!" He screamed and she flew into the room.

"What? James, what is it?" Panic tainted her voice as she saw James's pale and frightened face.

"Quick, take Harry! Now!" Her eyes widened and she let out a scream.

"Him? James, are you serious?"

"Yes! Now, Lily, please go!" Shouting, he passed her Harry, after he'd kissed his forehead.

"But you don't have your wan-"

"Lily!" He cried, pleading her now. "Lily, take him and run! I'll hold him off!" His voice cracked with desperation as she paused and looked at him, her green eyes watering. He stared back, his eyes sparkling, too.

"I love you," she said.

"I love you, too," he whispered as she held Harry in her arms, turned and ran up the stairs.

She had only reached the landing when the sound of the door smashing open shook the cottage and the chilling voice bellowed throughout the house. She felt sick with fear. The haunting voice that tainted her dreams was shouting below her. She'd lived this a thousand times in her head and worried about when it would happen, and what would happen, and now it had. James was there, and he was wandless and defenceless. She wanted to help, desperately wanted to run down and help him, but she couldn't. She couldn't leave their baby. They'd both agreed on that.

"Out of my way, Potter!" Voldemort snarled while James lunged at him. Lily heard it as she ran into her child's room, slamming the door behind her. The only thing she could feel was her heart racing in her chest and the blood pumping furiously in her ears.

"No, not James. Please, not James!" She begged as she clutched Harry to her chest, And that's when she heard it. Two words that hit her like bullets.

"Avada Kedavra!" A flash of brilliant green light illuminated everything and she let out a silent scream of agony. James was dead.

Tears stung her eyes as she heard the body crash to the floor and the first half of her world shattered. Clasping the other half tightly to her chest, she fell apart, sobbing in the little dark room. He was gone, her family was broken and Harry was next.

No, she thought.

"No." The words escaped her mouth in a brave whisper, "No, he is not next." Her voice shook as tears streamed down her face. Harry's confused eyes stared into her own as she pressed her forehead to his.

"I love you, and so does your Daddy. Remember that for me, sweetheart. Always remember that." Her voice broke and she placed him in the cot gently, her hands quivering as heavy footsteps approach the door.

Lily, take Harry and go! Run! I'll hold him off!

James's words echoed in her head, torturing her whilst also giving her strength. He died for her. For Harry. She wouldn't let that be in vain.

She had no wand, but neither had James. She had nothing at all ,not even time to run, but that wouldn't stop her. She was determined. Standing in front of the cot fiercely, determined to protect her child, she was strong. And when the monster who had killed her husband burst into the room she did not feel hate. She felt nothing but love. Love for James and for Harry.

"Give me the boy!" The voice pierced her like ice and fire, filling her with fear, but with courage too.

For James and for Harry, she told herself silently. Stopping, she stared and said a single word. In that one word she conveyed everything. All the bravery and all the love for her family she had and all of the love she would not now have a chance to give. Thoughts of the life they would have had, should have had, came to her and the future that had been cruelly snatched from them burst into her mind. Putting everything she had left to give into that word was the last thing she could do. So she hissed it, the impact of her voice like a gunshot,


And in a flash of blinding green light, she was gone.


Sorry it's a bit long and not that great and it's also sad again but I was bored! Please comment what you think! :) Characters and HP belong to JKR obviously :)

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