The emerald prince

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'The prince isn't in his room!'
Heavy footsteps raced down the corridor, accompanied by a stampede of steps. He hurried up the stairwells towards the castle's roof, gripping his bag tightly as he leaped above the final step and slamming the doors shut. He dashed to the edge, peering over before lifting his weight above it and lunging off, his legs squirming in the air as he landed on the stack of hay beneath him, snagging his horse and scampering away, screams and yelling reverberated behind him yet despite it, his speed only continued to increase.
A few hours had passed as their speed slowly returned to normal.
We should be far enough
Midoriya dismounted, crouching down to grab a handful of berries from a nearby bush, swallowing a few before offering it to the horse, who gladly consumed them from the boy's hand. He laughed at the ticklish sensation before opening his bag and drinking some water from a bottle he'd brought with him.
The thirteen-year-old then mounted his horse and galloped along the bumpy track leading north of his kingdom.

It was getting dark when they decided to stop for the night, still so far from civilisation. He took off to lighten the load on the already tired mammal. He sat down, rested his bag beside him, and occupied himself by running his fingertips through the horse's mane.  'Such a good girl,' he cooed as she neighed back in response, almost as if she understood what he was talking about. After about a half-hour, they both drifted off, unaware of the danger that awaited them the next morning...

This is my first time ever actually writing on Wattpad, so I promise it will be a lot more later on, this was just the introduction page

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