Unknown arrival

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As the cart ventured deeper into the dense forest, the rustling leaves and distant owl hoots create an unsettling ambiance. The elder man, clad in black cloaks, maintained a watchful eye on his captive. With each passing minute, they inch closer to a hidden stronghold, far away from prying eyes.

With every twist and turn of the winding road, The greenette's determination grew. He knew that escaping from his captor was his only hope. As the cart lurched forward, he seized the opportunity to break free, his nimble fingers pulling apart at the knotted thread and leaped off the cart.
Running through the forest, His heart pounded while his breath faltered. Branches snag on his delicate clothes, tearing at its fabric.

The two men dashed through the forest, they may have only been running for around ten minutes or so yet the adrenaline was already almost dying out, their footsteps echoing throughout the dense trees. The leaves rustled with their hurried movements, amplifying the tension in the air. The blonde with determination in his eyes, closed in on the younger male.

As they entered a clearing, the pursued man stumbled, his foot caught on a gnarled root. The chaser seized the opportunity and pounced on him, restraining him tightly. Despite his struggles, the greenette knew his fate was sealed. He was hopeless.

The elder blonde triumphantly stood over the other male, a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration coursing through his veins. The had ended, and the hunted man was finally caught.

The ride was completely silent. The young prince busy trying to think of an escape plan while the blonde ruffian was considering what he would say to the pink snitch he lived with to explain all of it.
They arrived wheresoever they were supposed to go before the blonde stopped the cart grabbing a cloth from the seat besides him he jumped out and walked towards the greenette. slowly reaching down towards him and wrapping the cloth around his lower face. He instead of untying him, grasps beneath the younger's legs and neck raising him up and tossing him over his shoulders.
'Mhm! Mghnm nhmghyn?!'
'Shut it. That was a ballsy move earlier.
Don't do it again.'

The blonde crashed open the door, carelessly throwing the boy to the side. He walked over to the doorway of the closest room yelling out five other names calling them to meet their newfound 'friend'. A group of people walked through the door, majority eagerly awaiting to see the greenette.
The first friend, A bright haired female with almost alien like features, was a master of disguise. She could effortlessly blend into any environment, making her the perfect accomplice for the blonde's interesting schemes. With her sweet, innocent looking appearance, She could manipulate situations and deceive their unsuspecting victims.

Next, there was another blonde, however the phrase 'dumb blonde' didn't apply to him in the slightest. He was a tech genius with an uncanny ability to breach any security system. With a few strokes of his keyboard, he could access highly classified information or shut down an entire city's power grid. His expertise would prove invaluable in ensuring their operations remained hidden from prying eyes.

Sitting quietly in the corner was a black haired male, a skilled manipulator with an uncanny ability to read people. With a glance, he could discern their deepest fears and desires, using this knowledge to gain their trust or unravel their sanity. His psychological manipulation would serve as the ultimate weapon in The blonde's plan.

The fourth and closest friend was a tall red headed man, being a master of torture despite his sweet appearance. Armed with an extensive knowledge of human anatomy and a sadistic pleasure, the man could inflict unimaginable pain while keeping victims alive and suffering. His methods were terrifyingly precise, leaving no room for escape or hope.

Finally, there was a gorgeous indigo haired female, the seductress. With her enchanting beauty and irresistible charm, She could manipulate anyone to do her bidding. Whether it was a wealthy scammer or a high-ranking noble, she had a way of turning their desires into their downfall. Her seduction skills would be essential in trapping their unsuspecting prey.

As the male captive, gazed upon this interesting group of individuals, his heart raced with fear and curiosity. Little did he know, his life would never be the same again. The kidnapping was just the beginning of a shocking journey into the unknown, where his survival would depend on outsmarting these malevolent forces.

I'm just going to clear this up now, the blonde who kidnapped izuku is monoma just in case it was unclear

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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