💜Parenthood pt1💜

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Donnie x reader ~fem~ ((set a few years after the oneshot "Mom?!" Also this is partly a remake of “Insomnia and Tea”.))


  You and Donnie have been together since you both were teens. Now you both are in your mid twenties. You both have been trying to have children for a few years now. The problem wasn't getting pregnant, it was staying pregnant. You had 3 miscarriages. Your body couldn't keep a pregnancy. It was devastating for the both of you.
  You luckily had Sheldon as a child, but he wasn't your own flesh and blood. You loved the little drone so dearly. It was just this sadness of not being able to carry a child within your own body. You couldn't shake how badly it hurt you. You wanted so desperately to be happy enough with Sheldon as your son. But you couldn't and you felt so guilty for it.
  You both wanted a small family, and you couldn't keep a single pregnancy. It hurt being unable to bring a life into the world. Donnie and his brothers often reassured you that it was ok, that these things happen. That a baby would come in time. You knew what they were saying was true, it just hurt too badly for you to handle it. Every time you realized that you had a miscarriage it felt like your heart was pulled out of your chest and thrown into the trash.
  Rolling to your side sighing, pulling the covers over you. You couldn't help the tears from flowing down your cheeks. It all was too much for you to handle. You felt Donnie turn towards you, you could tell he has been up for a while just like you have been. His arm wrapped around your shoulder in a reassuring hug. Donnie’s head resting against your back.

   “Don't worry Dove, I'll figure out something….the next time won't end up as a miscarriage.” He whispered as he moved both arms to fully hold you.

  “I have full trust in you dear…we could just adopt in the future” you mumbled tearfully having lost almost all hope in the both of you haven't children. 

  “That won't fully satisfy you…you're so set on a child that's of our own blood. I could use science to help. To make sure you stay pregnant and keep the child.” Donnie spoke slowly and carefully.

  “We don't even fully know if it'll help!” You gasped sitting up and turning towards your long term partner.

  “If you let me work on something, we will find out if any tech or anything else will work” he defended himself raising his hands up in defeat.

“...sorry for snapping. Just let me think about it” you sighed and got up out of bed, grabbing your phone as you left.

Checking the time on the screen it was 12:42am. You figured you should make some tea and a snack to relax and take some sleep aids. Having a sensitive stomach when it comes to any type of medication needing to have some type of food in your stomach. Grabbing your large (fav color) 42oz Stanley cup.
Walking over to the cupboard about the kettle and coffee machine. Reaching up and opening the cupboard you grabbed lemon balm tea, raspberry, and raspberry leaf tea. The raspberry leaf tea was something you drank since your first pregnancy, due to it aiding it quick labor. Now you have it every time you have tea, which was multiple times a week. Grabbing the sage green kettle and setting it on the stove you leaned back and looked up at the ceiling for a moment and smiled softly. Despite the sorrow of not having a child your life was happy and comfortable.
  You have an amazing and doting partner who does his best for you. 3 crazy and loving brothers to add to your own family as well as another father figure. Your own family was happy and the family you were planning on marrying into was absolutely amazing as well (if you don't have a happy family now you do). You didn't want to change it, truly you didn't.
  Grabbing the water jug and pouring it into the kettle while turning on the stove to boil the water. Leaving the water on the stove top as you walked over to the same cupboard as before. Grabbing some raspberry iced tea water flavoring and the bottle of honey to improve the raspberry flavor. Setting both items next to the Stanley as you walked over to the deep freezer to look for some type of unhealthy microwave dinner. Yawning as you glanced around before settling on some prepped meal of rice, seasoned chicken, carrots, peas, and corn.
  You heard shuffling behind you, turning your head greeting whoever it was.

  “Morning” you spoke simply.

  “Could you also make me some tea dove?” You heard Donnie speak as a chair squeaked as it was pulled from the island counter.

  “What type of tea? You don't even enjoy my raspberry tea” you huffed with a small smile.

  “just grab something…” he responded while looking down at his phone typing rapidly.

  “Are you gonna pull an all-nighter?” You asked with a tired smile.

“Probably, go watch TV until you can sleep.” He leaned back looking at you with that gorgeous smile.

“What about that new tea I bought from the store, the honey, vanilla green tea?” You suggested although you already grabbed it.

“Well you're already grabbing it so yes, could you bring it to the lab once it's cooled?” Donnie asked while getting up and leaving the kitchen.

You sighed and grabbed one of the many Jupiter Jim mugs and set the tea bag inside of the mug. The kettle beeped as the water finished boiling. Turning off the stove you poured the water into your mug and his. Placing the kettle back on the stove you place the three bags of tea into the Stanley and closed the lid making sure the strings did fall into the cup.
Opening the freezer bag filled with the rice, and dumping it into two bowls as you grabbed them. Placing both bowls into the microwave. Pressing in the time and starting it. Knowing Donnie would want a bowl otherwise he'd steal from your bowl. You were glad that you and Mikey food prepped for a few weeks, just earlier that day.

((Word count: 1076

((Word count: 1076

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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