Blood stained Hands

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I just really, really, really want to say thank you to HeidiMach. I was scared to publish my stories and continue my poetry. I would have a great idea for a story but delete halfway through chapter two because I was terrified of people hating it. But after talking to her I see that I shouldn't be afraid any longer. So thank you! Hope you all enjoy. Also, I don't approve of murder. This was just something I wrote in class while listening to a song (The image above). I closed my eyes and saw an image, then I wrote about what I had pictured. 

These eyes see nothing but hate, these hands feel nothing but blood, this body feels nothing but pure excitement! Adrenaline coursing these veins!

You showed me nothing but hatred, he punched me and pushed me against a wall. How does it feel to feel how you made me feel?

Does it hurt? Are you in pain? How much blood have you lost? Good. Please, by all means, feel more pain, drown in it and die.
It's your own fault, He brought this upon himself.  He ran up to me, screaming, calling me names, throwing my face in the dirt.

And it just happened, like and twig being step on, I snapped and ran my knife into his stomach.

First, I was shocked, sacred even, not realizing what I done until it was too late. Moments later I heard him moan in pain, and it made me feel so good, so alive.

It was Christmas for me, like a child who gets exactly what they wanted, I got what I wanted, your face in the dirt instead of mine.

I found this to be terribly funny, my small giggles soon manifested itself into laughter. Insane, maniacal laughter.

It felt wonderful, the purest ecstasy, I felt the wind push me forward, as if telling me go on, repeat my actions.

And so I did. I stabbed him again and again, smiling wickedly as I did. At that moment such things as regret and remorse were no longer part of my vocabulary.

I sat back, relived and stared at the blood painted on my hands, not once in that moment did I lose my "charming" smile.

I asked myself the realest question: "What in the hell took me so long?" I was taking his punches and harsh words for too damn long! I should've done it earlier!

"Stand up for yourself" Is what my father told me, how proud would he be. My bully is no more, he would so happy, so proud of his son. He challenged his bully and won.

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