Chapter Six - Newt

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The memories have finally stopped, but the longing has doubled. I miss my sister that I didn't know existed until now. I miss Addy and her all-consuming love. I miss Thomas and his loyalty. I miss Minho and all the times he constantly took me on adventures or made me laugh. I miss the Gladers. I miss it all and I'm determined to find my way back to them.

My body has recovered mostly, although I still have random spasms that leave me trembling on the floor. They're incredibly annoying and I hate that I have yet another disability, but at least the torture gave the memories I didn't know I wanted back.

I limp out of the tent, my leg has been acting up even more lately, and make my way to the dining hall which is really just a large tent with a makeshift kitchen and collapsible tables. I scan the space until my eyes land on who I'm looking for. Vince and Mary sit close together at one of the smaller tables in the corner. They are discussing something quietly as I make my way over to them and seat myself across from them after mentally preparing to socialize and slipping on the mask of confidence and self-satisfaction I wear on a daily basis.

The moment I sit, they fall silent. Not what I was looking for, but the setback is minor and I'm about to jump into action so I don't chicken out, but Vince beats me to it. Vince is the leader of the organization while Mary is next in command.

"What are you doing?" Vince asks.

"I'm here to help. You want to rescue the others, same as me, so I figured we could work together. I want to know the plan," I explain.

Vince doesn't look amused. "Thanks, kid." His eyes bore into me as he waits for me to leave, but I stand my ground.

Mary puts her hand on his shoulder and gives Vince a patronizing look. "He can help. He's been in the Maze. He knows how they think, he could be useful."

Vince frowns. "He's got emotional attachments."

"So do I," Mary argues back gently.

Vince clearly doesn't want to give in. "He's just a kid."

"He's right here," I mutter under my breath.

They both hear me and look up from gazing into each others' eyes in a silent argument, but their reactions are opposite. Mary smiles in amusement while Vince grumbles something about how I just proved his point that I'm a child and should not be trusted. Mary shoots him one last look and he finally caves.

"Fine, but if we're telling him all of it, we're not doing it here." Vince stands up and leads Mary and I into a more secluded tent, away from prying ears.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓭 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓸𝓼𝓽  - ᴀ ᴍᴀᴢᴇ ʀᴜɴɴᴇʀ ꜰᴀɴꜰɪᴄWhere stories live. Discover now