Matches Made In Heaven

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Milly walked through the hallways of her school towards the music room. She stepped in front of the beige door and pushed it open. Jake was standing directly beside the doorframe and made Milly jump as she walked in. Jake laughed at her as her cheeks flushed a light pink from Jake appearing so close to her. "Don't scare me like that!" she growled and punched him lightly in the shoulder as he continued to chuckle. He walked to Hailey as Milly sighed and crossed her arms. Sean walked over to her and poked her arm. "Hey, Milly. Looking a little pink" He teased her. She gave him a stare that shut him up. Sean was the only person that knew about her real crush. Jake Sterling. "Shut up, Sean." Milly pouted like a child. He laughed at her. "Its a miracle that he hasn't pieced it together. With the way you act around him, you may as well be holding a sign that says 'hey Jake, I like you'." Milly sighed and shut her eyes. "I know. And I want to tell him, but he likes Daisy. I don't know what I should do" Sean had a sympathetic look on his face. "look, i get that your scared, but you need to tell him eventually." Milly looked him in the eyes and for a second, he thought he saw a tear in her eye. "Why can't I just stay ignorant to this? Why do I have to love him?" Sean was caught a bit off guard by the emotion she was showing. Before he could respond, "Hey, Sean, Milly, we're about to start." Shouted Luke from across the room. Sean turned back to Milly and she had a straight smile on her face, as if nothing happened. Sean shook his head and went over to his laptop. When everyone was ready, Sean played the track and everyone began rehearsing "Take me Away". When they were about halfway through the song, Milly had a guitar solo. She always nailed it but for some reason, today she just couldn't seem to get it right. She tried over and over again until their lunch break was over. Everyone else walked out, defeated, as Jake came up to Milly. "Hey, What's wrong? Your an amazing guitarist. That solo is basic stuff to you. What's going on?" Milly looked at him, and he could see she was on the verge of tears. "Hey, Hey, what's going on? Are you alright?" She took a meek step towards him, and he understood. He pulled her into a hug. As she hugged him back, he felt his jacket get a bit wet from her tears. He held her while she wept. "Jake, I don't know what to do. I messed up the solo, I almost got expelled from school and I can't even confess to the person I love" Jake looked down at her. "Elliot?" She paused for a moment before nodding. "Well, If you want, I could help you." Jake Smiled at her. She looked up at him. "Help me with what?" He let go of her. "With whatever you need" She paused for a second and she felt her face get hot. "Thanks, Jake." She said, looking down to hide her flushed face. She grabbed her bag and ran out of the class, with Jake following slowly after.

Zander was walking to his next class after practice with Luke, feeling frustrated with Milly. "She messed up every time! What if she screws up at the competition?" Zander fumed to Luke. Luke sighed. "She just seemed to be having a rough day, Zander. Maybe you could cut her some slack." Zander was still livid as they walked down the hall until a familiar figure grabbed him from behind. Zander turned his head around and suddenly instead of being angry, he was pleasantly surprised. "Hey Zander, did you miss me?" The unknown person said, having been away with a cold for three days. He let go and Zander turned around. "Of course I did, Zach." Zander smiled, while Luke laughed quietly. Zach had been friends with Zander and Luke for a couple of years now since they had met when he had transferred to their old Middle school. Zach had jet-black hair , falling down the back and sides of his heads, stopping just above his shoulder. He stood quite tall, being around 6'1 and standing a head taller than Zander. He wore black track pants with white outer lining and a plain black T-Shirt with an oversized hoodie. He walked with Zander to his next class while Luke went off to his own class. "Your feeling better, I take it?" Zander asked Zach, glancing to the side. Zach smiled and nodded. "Much better, now that I have someone to talk to." He beamed to Zander. Zander was caught off guard and turned away, face flushed red. They made it to their history class and walked inside, sitting down at their assigned seats with Zach as cheerful as ever, and Zander a hot mess. 

Luke walked into his chemistry class and stood at a table near the back. As he waited, staring off into space, someone tapped him on the shoulder. He snapped out of his daze and turned to see Stacy smiling back at him. "Hi Luke!" she said, excited as always. Hey, Stacy." Luke smiled back. Stacy stood next to Luke right as their teacher started teaching the lesson. They were babbling about chemical formula and chemical reactions that Luke honestly wasn't paying attention to as much as he should be. Without realizing it, he had been gazing at Stacy while she stood at attention, listening to the class. He snapped out of it when he thought about what he was doing and began paying closer attention to the class and the lesson their teacher was giving them. Once the teacher finished teaching, beakers and flasks were passed out to the class, along with several chemicals they were supposed to be testing how they react to different liquid. Luke and Stacy paired off together and began the experiment. As Luke was writing down the chemical reaction to sodium in vinegar, Stacy said to him. "Hey Luke? I was wondering if I could talk to you after school?" She asked shyly. Luke was confused, but said "Sure. What is it about?" Stacy smiled ever so slightly as she replied. "Its nothing, really." Luke was suspicious, but he just shrugged it off and decided not to pry. They finished their experiment and cleaned up their work space. When class ended, Luke and Stacy parted ways for their last class before the end of the day.

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