The Night Sky

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Milly opened her eye's and was met with complete darkness. The TV across from where she was laying was now turned off along with all the lights in the room. She shifted her body and felt she was laying against something. It felt warm and soft. She shifted her head to look up and her face was suddenly only an inch away from Jakes. She stared for a moment, still groggy and tired, until she fully took in the situation. He face flushed a deep pink as she shot backwards, almost throwing her head into a table beside the couch. She took in the scene a bit more once her eye's adjusted to the dark properly. She saw the position Jake had fallen asleep in and Milly assumed she had fallen asleep sitting up and had began laying against Jake. She saw a blanket partially covering Jake that had apparently been covering her too since the other half was leading in the direction she had fallen back to. She covered her mouth because she gasped slightly at the thought of her sleeping with Jake. She stared at him with her mouth covered as he lifted his head up and slowly opened his eyes. She made a split second decision to save herself from the embarrassment of the current position she was in. She quickly and quietly slipped onto the floor, laid down, and pretended to sleep. She heard Jake rustling the blanket then a quiet "Milly?".  She squeezed her eye's shut tighter. She felt the floor creak as he stood up off the couch. She heard him sigh after a few seconds of silence. A few moments later, she felt herself leave the floor. It took everything in her power to not flinch or yelp in surprise. Jake had picked her up in a bridal carry and was walking somewhere with her. She could feel her face get hotter as she tried as hard as she could to keep her eyes closed and remain still. After about a minute, she felt herself rest on something soft as Jake's arms let go of her gently. A second later and Milly felt something warm and soft drape over her. After a minute of eerie silence and Milly squeezing her eye's shut to make Jake think she was sleeping, she heard the sound of a door closing. Milly squinted open her eyes to see she was in a different room. She sat up and noticed she was in a real bed with a soft blanket covering her. Milly stared at the door for a few seconds, still taking in what just happened. As soon as she processed everything, Milly quickly buried her face in the blanket, face flushing red. Her mind was screaming after what had just happened, almost making her actually scream. However, Milly's reaction left her unaware of her surroundings. Thus, she did not hear the sound of a doorknob turning.

Luke laid in his bed scrolling through social media. He couldn't sleep and he had no idea why. He put his phone down and stared at the ceiling, not feeling tired in the slightest. After a couple minutes, he stood up, put on his shoes and walked outside. He had his hands in his pockets as he went for a walk late at night, in complete darkness. He couldn't really see where he was going so he relied mostly on memory to guide him to the park. He walked slowly, making sure he was aware of his surroundings and certain indicators that he was walking in the right direction. After ten minutes of walking, Luke reaches the entrance to the park. He walks through the open gate and walks a bit further towards a bench near the entrance. As he approaches, he notices someone in a grey hoodie sitting on the bench, gaze cast towards the ground. The hoodie was covering their head and since Luke was behind the bench, he couldn't see their face. He approached slowly and as he walked to the side of the bench, he could vaguely make out some familiar facial features. He stopped and stared at the person as they looked to the sky, hood falling off of their head. "Stacy?" Luke asked, puzzled. She jolted and her head snapped towards Luke in surprise. "Luke! What are you doing here?" She asked, staring at him dead in the eyes. Luke laughed softly. "I could ask you the same thing." She smiled at him and giggled slightly. "I couldn't sleep so I decided to come here." Luke sat down next to her on the bench. "That's actually the same reason I'm here too." They sat there in silence for a minute or so until Stacy leaned against Luke and rested her head on his shoulder. In turn, Luke brought his arm around her shoulders and held her comfortable. They stayed like this for a long time, just staring at the sky and gazing at the stars above their head. 

The door opened and Jake walked into the room, needing to grab something from a drawer. He paused when he entered the room, seeing Milly on her knees, face planted in the blanket he had left on her. He stared for a couple seconds, not understanding what she was doing. Her face tilted to the side and out of the blanket for a minute and her eye opened. She saw Jake standing in the doorway, frozen, staring at her. She blinked, remaining completely still, not sure if she was seeing correctly. After a few seconds, she let out a high pitched yelp as her eyes widened and she fell backwards off the bed in a panic. Jake quickly moved to the other side of the bed to check if Milly was alright. He peered at the ground on the opposite side of the bed and saw she was balled up on the ground, blanket wrapped around her. "Milly, are you alright?" He asked, falling to one knee next to her. She didn't respond. He heard an extremely pathetic attempt at a light snore. Jake sighed. "I know your awake, Milly." She ruffled the blanket and he saw her bright pink hair pop out one end of the blanket and stare at him, bottom half of her face still covered. "Why did you bring me in here?" She asked quietly. Jake looked at her, slightly confused. "So that you would have a comfortable place to sleep." He told her as if it was completely obvious. She slowly pulled the blanket off and stood up to his level. Jake got off his knee and stood in front of her as she stared at him. She had to look up at him because he was almost a head taller. Jake saw her face was tinted a bright red and as he stared at her, she cast her eyes downward. Jake laughed quietly. "Why were you so shocked when you saw me?" Milly's head snapped to face him as her face burned more, turning her face a deep red as she blushed in embarrassment. "Because you surprised me!" She managed to get out without stuttering. Jake continued to laugh while Milly was becoming a deep pink. She was grateful it was dark in the room so Jake couldn't see how flustered she was at the moment. Jake turned and walked towards the door out of the room. "Well, goodnight Milly." He said. As he was about to walk out the door, Milly called back. "Wait, where will you sleep?" She asked, concerned. He looked at her and smiled. "Ill sleep on my couch." Before Milly could protest, he closed the door behind him and left her in the dark room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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