Setting The Scene

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Milly sat in her next class and stared blankly out the window, head resting against the wall.  She seemed to be off in her own world and thus, did not notice that someone was saying her name. When she finally snapped out of it, she saw the whole class and teacher staring at her. "Millicent. Are you paying attention?" Milly stared at the teacher and shook her head. Her teacher sighed. "Honestly, I don't understand what's so hard about this for you. Its just a history lesson." Milly looked down at the table, feeling slightly embarrassed. The teacher went back to showing the class about ancient Greece and Milly started to pay slightly more attention to the class, though her mind was still elsewhere. Before she was able to snap out of her daydream, someone snapped her out of it. Milly looked up and her teacher was in front of her desk. She looked around and noticed that there was no one else in the room. "Millicent, is there something on your mind?" Her teacher questioned. Milly shook her head a bit quicker than than she should've. Her teacher opened her mouth to say something else, but Milly had stood up and bolted out the door. The teacher sighed and went back to her desk. 

Milly slowed down when she was passing Sean. "Hey Milly." He waved. She smiled and waved back. "Hey Sean." They walked together because their last classes of the day were right next to each other. "How did you do on your test, Sean?" Milly asked, to avoid a topic she would rather not discuss. Sean sighed. "I think I did alright. Though I spaced out halfway through" Milly laughed. "its not like you to space out, Sean." Milly bumped him with her elbow. Sean laughed too. "Yeah, I know. Just had a lot on my mind" Milly froze for a moment, recalling the exact same situation as him that had happened just a few minutes prior. They parted way when they reached their classes. Just before Milly sat down at her seat, a loud, blaring alarm sounded through the school as the fire alarm was activated. Milly groaned and picked her bag up and started walking outside. During a fire drill, every student is required to go out onto the soccer field for a role call. Milly stood in a line, with the rest of the kids in her last class. Once role call was taken, the students spread out to their own groups instead of staying with their class. Milly sat cross legged on the grass, picking it apart. She was bored out of her mind, sitting with nothing to do. She saw a shadow in the grass and thought it was Sean since their class stand close to one another during drills. She whipped her head around. "Hey Se-" Instead of Sean, she saw another member of the music club. Her face flushed with embarrassment and recognition when she saw Jake standing behind her. "Oh, Hey Jake." She waved at him, doing her best to hide the fact that she had accidentally mistook him for someone else. "Hey Milly. What are you doing sitting in the grass?" He asked, feigning confusion with a smile. Milly laughed. "I don't see a bench anywhere, do you?" Jake laughed with her. "Fair enough" He sat down on the grass next to her. "This drill is taking a surprisingly long time" Jake stated, resting his head on his hand. As Jake said this, the announcement to go back to class was issued. "Well, ill see you later Milly." Jake said, standing up and retreating back to his class as they walked back towards their school building. Milly stood up and watched him go, almost in a trance, before she realized that she was staring at him, most of the people had already left the grass field back to their class. Milly sighed, frustrated with herself for being so distracted today. She ran towards the building to get to her class before anyone noticed she fell behind.

Luke Sat back down in his seat after returning from the fire drill. As he sat down, Stacy popped up next to him, almost making him jump back out of his chair. "Hi Luke" She said with just as much excitement as always. Luke laughed. "Hey Stacy" Stacy took a seat next to Luke. "I'm sorry I messed up our chemistry project." She said, eyes suddenly downcast. Luke smiled softly. "Don't worry Stacy. Everyone makes mistakes" Stacy looked at him, staring into his soft yellow eyes. The sight alone seemed to calm Stacy's nerves. "Besides, it wasn't a big deal. You just dropped a tray of salt" Luke laughed quietly. Stacy smiled. "Thanks Luke." She turned her attention to the front of the class when their teacher walked back in and when everyone had settled back into their seats. Their teacher started refreshing them on Pythagorean theorem while Stacy sat, bored. This was her best subject so she didn't particularly need the refresher. As she sat their, she gazed at Luke as he seemed to be hyper focused on the lesson. She saw him glance towards her and she quickly whipped her head to face the opposite directions. She heard Luke laughing softly and this made her face warm. She sighed and stared out the window, waiting for school to end.

As the dismissal bell rang, Zander stood up with his bag and walked out the classroom door. Almost immediately after he stepped outside, Zach poked his head in front of Zanders and making him fall backwards in surprise. "Whoops, Sorry about that" he rubbed the back of his head and held out a hand to pull Zander up. Zander huffed in annoyance. "Be more careful next to. I could've gotten hurt." Zach apologized again and they started to walk outside since they lived in the same direction. As they were walking, discussing their history project, Hailey walked up to them and started walking with them. "Hey Zach. Your feeling better?" Hailey asked. He nodded. "Yeah. It was such a drag just sitting at home doing nothing." He said, Folding his hands on the back of his head. Hailey Laughed "Yeah I can imagine." Zander stayed quiet for a bit, glancing at Zach occasionally as he talked with Hailey. Zach nudged his shoulder, making Zander look at him. "Hey, Zander, mind if I come over to your place for a bit?" Zander looked at Hailey who smiled and rolled her eyes. Zander sighed and smiled. "Sure Zach." He grinned wide and started laughing. "Thanks, Grapevine" At this, Hailey burst into laughter as Zander started fuming at Zach for the unprompted name calling.

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