Relationships Take Shape

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Stacy Waited outside the school for Luke, hoping he hadn't forgotten that they were meeting. She stood there, anxious, waiting for Luke. There was something very important she needed to tell him, but wasn't quite sure they had the courage to do so. As Stacy's mind continued to doubt her, Luke walked up beside her without her noticing. He put a hand on her shoulder to let her know he was there. "Hey, Stacy." Stacy jumped and fell to the ground in surprise, being knocked out of her daze by Luke. "OH, Luke, Hi" She said, rubbing the back of her head. Luke held out a hand to help her up. "I'm sorry Stacy. I didn't mean to startle you." Stacy took his hand and shook her head. "Its alright Luke." Luke pulled her up and she took a step back, now realizing what she had to do. "So, Stacy, What did you want to talk to me about?" Stacy froze, realizing that there was no turning back now. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. "Luke, I-" Before she could finish, Luke cut her off. "I like you too, Stacy." Stacy's eyes shot wide open. "How did you-" Stacy tried to spit out, but found she was at a loss for words. Her cheeks got warm as she stared at Luke in disbelief. He smiled warmly. "I heard you talking to Daisy and you mentioned this" He took a step towards her. She looked up at him, still shocked. She finally realized exactly what he had said. "Wait, Luke, you.. Like me?" She exclaimed. He nodded and took her hand. She was shocked. Before she could say anything else, Luke put his lips to hers and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around him after the initial shock and and closed her eyes, savoring the moment. 

Leave's fell from the trees overhead as Milly walked away from the school and towards her house. She was staring down blankly, not particularly paying attention. A hand clamped on her shoulder and it made her react by swinging her arm back at a potential assaulter. Instead, Jake caught her arm and pulled her toward him. She looked up at him in surprise. "Don't sneak up on me like that!" she fumed, face slightly red. Jake laughed. "Sorry. I tried calling to you, but you didn't seem to notice." Milly sighed. "Sorry. I'm just a bit distracted." Jake stopped laughing. "is everything alright?" He asked, concerned. Milly nodded and kept walking. Jake stepped in front of her. She looked up at him, confused. "Why don't you come over to my place for a bit?" He suggested. She stared at him for a minute. "Is something wrong?" Jake asked, concerned. Milly shook her head. "No, nothings wrong. It's just I've never been to your house before." Jake smiled. "It's not a very big place but its nice." Milly laughed. "Alright you convinced me. Let's go" Her and Jake walked towards his house now, with a cheerful mood between the two of them.

"You lost!" Zach laughed as he beat Zander in their game yet again. Zander was visibly frustrated. "How are you so good at this game?" He asked, crossing his arms after setting down his controller. Hailey laughed in the background. "That's because he plays more often than you, Zander" She said, sitting up on the bed in Zander's room. Zander was fuming after having lost four rounds in a row. "Let's do something else" he said, trying to switch topics. "How about we bake something?" Hailey suggested openly. Zach smiled. "That sounds like a great idea. How about it, Zander?" He sighed. "I guess that works" He stood up with Zach and Hailey, and they walked out of the room towards the kitchen. Zach was a great baker, so he proposed one of his own recipes for brownies. "Alright, Zander, can you grab the ingredients we need?" He requested. Zander nodded and went into their cupboard to grab the items Zach had requested. Hailey opened a cabinet and grabbed all the tools and bowls they would need to start the process. After all the ingredients and tools were together, they preheated their oven and began baking. 

The dark corridors give off an eerie feeling that would make even the strongest of heart shiver. The windows remain locked shut as window blows against them, making a low creaking sound. As the door opens to reveal an empty, black room, a scream breaks through the quite of the room. The scream made Milly jump as she stared at the screen with Jake next to her. He laughed quietly. "Did that scare you?" He asked her teasingly. Her face turned a light pink as she glared at him. "Shut up. Of course it didn't!" He backed off but she could hear him giggling softly. She continued to watch the movie and started to space out. There wasn't much going on and everything in the movie was quiet at this point so she was having trouble staying focused. She tried to keep her mind on the movie, but her eyes started to close as she drifted to sleep. After a minute or so, her head slumped to the side against Jake's shoulder. He looked down at her and realized she had fallen asleep. He smiled softly and wrapped his arm around her and let her head rest on his shoulder. He could feel her body relax as Jake just sat there, smiling and staring off into space.

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