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She was a ghost

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She was a ghost. She couldn't remember how she became a ghost or her life before dying. She has counted the days since she was aware of herself and finds it hard to stave off the boredom.

Whenever her house gets sold, she either tries to hide or help the residents of her home.

She doesn't know why she never moved on or why the residents always move out less than two years at most. She wanders her home aimlessly with nothing to do.

One day was different however.

The realtor came back. The realtor was a tall blue moose with an overbite. He was friendly enough if a bit clumsy.

He couldn't see her, no one ever could. Though she did have a boyfriend once.

He was a handsome purple mole. He was a resident that lived in her house for five months. He could not see at all, but he knew she was there.

He talked to her after giving her an offering. She wasn't sure how she would talk to him, but he gave her a way to speak to him.

A black device that would record her.

They got to know each other and when he realized she was no threat, they became friends. Eventually asking her out; it made her laugh.

"I can't leave! You know that.", she had said.

"We don't have to go anywhere to have a date.", he had said with a smile.

They dated until he was sent somewhere else for work. She cried wishing she could have gone with him.

The night before they parted ways, she floated into his room. She leaned over him to press a kiss on his cheek. He woke up to the cold feeling and blushed.

"A kiss is better if both are a wake for it.", he teased.

The second kiss was on the lips and it lasted two minutes.

"Go back to sleep, you leave early after all.", she smile and disappeared into some other part of the house farthest a way.

She was alone after that. No one was there for her to be like that ever again.

Maybe this time will be different?

She didn't have much hope, some of her residents who learned of her were afraid and left much quicker.

She watched with bored eyes track his movements. He seemed to be setting it up for another Open House. She really hoped no one would track mud in like last time, she can't clean the floors very well.

It takes a long time- days or weeks even- to complete a task and eventually that becomes pointless as she'd have to start it all over again. She doesn't have the strength for it.

A day or two later, the Open House began. There were about five to ten people looking around. She sighed and tried to stay in the attic, she didn't like crowds even after death.

She was curious about who would even up buying her house.

Her thought to herself, "A little peak wouldn't hurt."

She poked her head through the ceiling. She saw some kids run by. She loved kids! They might make a mess, but they were so cute and out going.

She followed them to a room that lacked any furniture and watched them talk and play tag. Then their parents came into the room.

She left to float down the halls and glance at anyone in the rooms. She noticed the sound of the realtor talking to a group in the living room.

In the group was one peculiar guy. He was scary to her. He had an army beret and dog tags. He had scars all over his body and burn marks.

Other than that, he dressed normally and had a nice smile on his face. She didn't want to get close however. It was still very crowded, her house wasn't that big.

She knew her house was decent, but not many could afford it. Her ex had helped her learn some current events and how to use some of the more modern amenities.

When he had asked how long she's been here, she replied that it was before the modern phone at least.

Once the group dispersed, she noticed the man with the beret was fixated on the painting next to her. She was confused and still scared, but her curiosity made her slowly make her way closer.

She stared at him with a tilt of her head. She was half way into to the room when someone walked through her and scared her. She disappeared through a walk as she escaped into the attic. She waited until the Open House was over for the day to come back down.

She looked a round and noticed a pin. It seemed to be the kind she saw women wore in some advertisements between baseball games. She loved watching baseball, but her residents usually watched football or racing and on one occasion a resident had a daughter who swam professionally. That was her second favorite resident after her ex.

The pin was small enough to pick up without much effort. She guessed that maybe a visitor of the Open House dropped it, so she took it to the attic to keep it safe.

They might come back for tomorrow's Open House to look for it. She looked in a mirror she cleaned while waiting with her holding the pin up to her chest. It was a pretty pin and she pinned it to the top of her dress.

"Maybe I could wear it until tomorrow?", she let out a shy giggle.

She hasn't worn an accessory in so long. This seemed to stay on somehow. She almost didn't want to give it back, but she knew it would be wrong if she did.


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