6. The Santal of Sawan

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There was a punishment, Dont you know? If you loved him why did you killed him? (Ravi )said.
I Wanted him but he loved that that bloody ****h.So I thought If he would bot be mines then not of her aswell.(Kamolika said).
Something's Fishy!(Ravi)
Kamolika - Santal helped me(Kamolika said), I know (Ravi)
Ravi' Tell me why you killed Raju?
Kamolika- Lemme tell it by a story

Venkatesh was a young boy who lived in a small village in India. He had a good friendship with Raju, another boy from the same village. Both of them were of the same age and shared a lot of common interests.

One day, Venkatesh and Raju were walking around the village when they met Kamolika, a beautiful girl. She was the daughter of a rich man in the village and all the boys in the village were attracted to her. Venkatesh and Raju both tried to impress her but she liked Raju more than Venkatesh.

This made Venkatesh very angry and he started plotting against Raju. He decided that he would kill Raju so that Kamolika would never be able to get close to him. One night, Venkatesh crept up on Raju and stabbed him to death.

Kamolika was devastated by this news and she wanted revenge on Venkatesh for killing her beloved Raju. She sought help from the police and a few days later, Venkatesh was arrested and sent to jail for the crime. Kamolika was relieved and happy that justice had been

Ravi- The justice will be given to Priya not to you Murderer.

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